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Amalgam Cooperative / AMALGAM

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Infiltration

The Amalgam Cooperative is an org that seeks to enable whatever gameplay its members want to focus on. We are inclusive and queer friendly, and want to get a group together that can have fun in the verse and achieve everyone’s gameplay goals!


Amalgam was founded in 2952 by captains Cosmic_Moose and Creamy_Raccoon as a loose coalition to enable a wide variety of operations for like-minded citizens. Founded on ideals of equality and egalitarianism, Amalgam does not hold a rigid structure of any sort, opting instead to focus on enabling its members, whether by helping crew ships, or earning resources.


Amalgam has no strict gameplay focus, with current ships within the fleet covering combat, salvage, mining, medical, construction, cargo hauling, trade, and bounty hunting game loops. Each member of the cooperative is free to operate as they please, whether that is running their own operations, crewing other ships, or working together for world events. Amalgam is not about dictating what players are going to do with their time, but rather enabling them to do what they want with it. Cosmic and Raccoon are there to manage org resources and help enable gameplay for the other members, but (outside of while captaining our ships) won’t be giving orders or demanding participation in specific gameplay.
Hi, I’m Cosmic, I’m very interested in the RP side of Star Citizen and plan on my primary gameplay loops being PVE bounty hunting and FPS, but also enjoy the support and industrial game loops. I have built my fleet both to cover my own core gameplay but also to enable as many other game loops as possible for the other members of the org. Below are the ships in my fleet and their roles, hope to fly with you soon!
RSI Polaris: militia operations, capital combat
RSI Arrastra: mining
RSI Galaxy: medical, construction, freight
Aegis Reclaimer: heavy salvage
RSI Zeus MKII MR: bounty hunting
Crusader Spirit C1: light freight/multirole
RSI Scorpius: heavy fighter (Polaris Escort)
Drake Cutter Scout: scouting
Bonus points if you can guess my favorite manufacturer!


Amalgam is a strictly queer friendly, neurodivergent friendly, anti bigotry org. Bigotry of any kind will absolutely not be tolerated. Political discussion is also highly discouraged, we’re here to fly cool spaceships and hang out, and politics entering an org is one of the fastest ways to see it fall apart. We’re really here to make friends to fly with and help each other out. As long as you are considerate of others, there shouldn’t be any issues.

Show respect for other members of the org, this includes respecting gender identity, sexual orientation.
Use of slurs (including those for gender identity, sexuality, disability, race, etc.) is grounds for immediate dismissal.
Keep politics out of both text and voice chat, if someone else brings it up, either ask them to refrain from that discussion or bring it to the attention of Cosmic or Raccoon
Endorsing or excessively discussing conspiracy theories is grounds for dismissal.
There are plenty of reasons to criticize CIG, but we want to keep this space positive and optimistic about the game, when discussing the game absolutely be realistic, but avoid doomsaying or excessive criticism. This rule isn’t for fanpersoning, just for positivity in the group. This rule will not result in dismissal unless the behavior continues after multiple requests to refrain.

Group Gameplay Guidelines:

Amalgam does not have any sort of participation requirement, if we don’t hear from you for 6 months we may drop you from the discord for the sake of managing numbers, but will reach out to you before doing so. This is purely for organization, not to mandate participation, if you respond and say you just haven’t been on but want to participate in the future we’ll keep you on.

The following are general guidelines, not hard fast rules. The recommendation to establish leadership on a per activity basis is here to help improve efficiency of the operation, and have one person whose word goes if a high-pressure situation should arise. Also, if someone owns a cool ship, but would rather be the engineer than the captain they are obviously free to do so and appoint another person to captain the ship.
  • If you are a crew member or a passenger on another member’s ship, follow the ship owner’s directions within reason, help them manage their ship and resources to the best of your ability.
  • If multiple ships are participating in one activity, one person (ideally the individual with the most pertinent expertise) should be appointed by the group to manage the activity. If there is a ship that better fits the main game loop for the activity, that ship should be the ship to manage the rest of the group.
  • If multiple members are participating in FPS operations, one person should be designated as the “squad leader” to manage coordinating the mission.