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Andromeda Directive / AMDS

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Transport

Andromeda Directive is a collective of like minded pilots dedicated to free enterprise and opportunity. AD pilots are versatile and fun loving. While the organization focuses mostly on secure cargo transport, pilots are encouraged to seek out and assist each other with any opportunities that arise.


The Andromeda Directive was formed by a core group of friends looking to get a small foothold in what could possibly be the best Sci-Fy genre game of our lifetime. Looking to the future the AD pilots hope to establish themselves in the realm of secure cargo transport and security operations, including corporate alliances and recruiting new pilots.

Libertatis, Iustitiae, Ullamcorper
(Freedom, Justice, Commerce)


Andromeda Directive

Andromeda Directive is a syndicate of friends and affiliates formed to get the most from any opportunities to arise. There are no limitations to role or affiliation and as such we encourage members to seek out contacts and strengthen their position in other organizations. This is basically a small group of tight knit friends who are networking into other organizations for the benefit of all. Please read our charter to see the basic code of conduct.


Principals to Observe:

Andromeda Directive is a syndicate, indicating self organizing group of individuals formed to contract specific goals. We are a loose organization, but tight knit friends. Go with the flow, help out your shipmates.

All members will show respect to friend and foe alike.

AD places no restriction on individual business ventures other than pilots are not to harm unarmed/unprovoked civilian targets without just cause.

While most operations will be conducted within the law, AD is not above operating outside the law. Should any reasonable opportunity arise to strengthen a pilot(s) assets, all members are encouraged to take full advantage.

All possible efforts will be taken to support military and law enforcement outfits defending civilian targets from harm.

We are adults, we talk like adults, we act like adults, we occasionally drink like adults, if you have sensitive feelings or get easily offended by the occasional (or frequent) crude humor and swearing… ya… this place ain’t for you. That being said, we make every effort to show respect to our fellow members.

Help each other, help yourself :-)

Last but not least… Its just a game folks… really… have fun.

~Wing Commanders


091023RJUN15 – Given the proximity to major content releases members are encouraged to take opportunities to recruit into AD or network into other corporations so as to gain affiliations and get the most from time spent in game. Members are also encouraged to help each other and affiliate partners of Andromeda Directive should we forge alliances in the future.