Affordable Multi-Role Space Support / AMRSS

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

“Non possumus facere quod facere potest aliis vita. Nos tibi viam inveniam aut faciam ita.”
Heading Two“We do what we do so others may live. We will find a way or make a way.”


Founded originally on Earth in the Sol system, as an affordable air support group called AMRAS for small communities, we aimed to help those in need because everyone is someone’s loved one.

As technology progressed, we saw the need to expand operations into space, to better help those who needed or requested our help. We still aim to help those in need.


We Providing affordable services for a fee:
  • Transport
  • Escort
  • Refuel
  • First Aid
  • Exploration
  • Recon
  • VIP protection
    and more as needed and contracted.


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