.:!:. Ⓐ N A R K 0 Z .:!:. / ANARKOZ

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Freelancing

.:!:. Ⓐ N A R K O Z .:!:.

Inter-Galactic Freelance Drug Smuggling Operations



The free lands of Anarkosya were founded in the late post-Reticulyz invasion age, in an area known to the locals as Ankaro.

Ankaro had a diverse geography and was inhabited by an equally diverse group of isolated tribes, who staked their lands according to the boundaries of their biomes, with the transitional land in between being occasionally contested between various Ankaroshan elites.

However cultural differences grew as time went on, different landscapes coupled with isolation giving each kingdom a unique culture.

As the harsh winters of the dark Reticulyz invasion age setted in, violence engulfed the Ankaroshan lands.

For the first time since late history, groups of people from various Ankaroshan descents that existed in each others tribal kingdoms from the past has formed a resistance against the alien invasion of the Reticulyz type in our modern age.

As the Ankaroshan elites lost the support of their underlings groups defected to other tribes after the invasion,
the Anarkosyan Resistance was born.

A universal feature of Ankaroshan culture, was the knowledge & uses of various indigenous hallucinogenic plants.

Provided with spaceships from the Anarkosyan Resistance to spread the knowledge of theses inner-verses
& share the wisdom of their most advanced molecule called D.M(k).T. or (Dyméthyl-K3tA.TripTonite).

Today A N A R K O Z creates havens, centers & manufactures on new Research Chemicals
& exotic psychedelic molecules from a vast variety of modern & ancient compounds.



.:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:.

We kept flying, believing in our selves
They are no regrets about this life
In any worlds, there are loopholes you know
It is the way of the spacexXxplorers
to take responsibility for their actions
If you burn yourself out, only ashes will remain
Someday it will spread from person to person as a wildfire
and with their hands a new future is born
Dreams do not vanish
so long as people do not abandon them
We will meet again
at the far place where the ring of time is linked
Until I reach the end of my life in this Sea of Stars
I will never forget all the memories
I have been dreaming for so long
of flying into deep space explorations
This Sun which set yesterday
will rise again this morning
And we believe theses Suns
will rise again tomorrow

This is the free voice of A N A R K O Z

.:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:. .:!i!:.



Immutable Laws are a blend of ethics, core values and self-assigned law, all wrapped up into one.

They are the rules we have defined for ourselves, almost subconsciously, on what is right and what is wrong.

What is acceptable and what is not. What makes you happy, and what doesn’t.

They are with you for life and they barely ever change, but they keep you on track.

It is your soul that guides you. It is the soul of your business.
