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Elysian Recluses / ANARKZ

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

A loose affiliation of individuals who prefer their freedom but also like to help out likeminded people when they can. Not for those who can’t take no for an answer, our organisation focuses on personal freedom and mutual respect.


History is the retelling of past events, and since it is a story, it is always subjective, from the storyteller’s point of view. Official history is a matter of retelling by those who came out on top. We do not believe in coming out on top, for this leaves others underneath. Therefor, the Elysian Recluses do not have an official history, only a hopeful future.


We’d really like a whole explanation here about how we dont believe in hierarchy and top-down-control but focus on every member taking their own responsibility in respecting others, both within and outside the organisation. However, everyone’s too busy with other stuff and we can’t really make someone do it, right? That would be disrespecting them. So, since we respect YOU too, we think you can figure it out by yourself. Also, have a nice day !


This is where we list all the rules and regulations you have to abide by in our organization :

- Respect others, pretty please?

There, done.