The Retro Raiders / ANARXIX

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Freelancing

The Retro Raiders is an organization about collaboration, building bonds, and experiencing the Verse together. Film production and photoshoots are common and are accessible to all members. Group gameplay is always encouraged and includes mining, scrapping, low flying, and adventuring.


It was 4-17-2950, a portal opened up and our King Retro Raider entered the Verse. Anarxix learned to live amongst the common folk of Stanton and established himself as an important creative asset within this reality. Over time, he gained more contacts, earned a living, and made a few upgrades.

On 4-28-2950, he established the organization, The Retro Raiders, a group of creative individuals who not only wanted to make a living in the Verse, but to also join up and create together. Members of the organization get to partake in filmmaking; group gameplay; hands-on mentorship; and there are plenty more events where members can meet up to experience, learn, and create together.

Organization activities are currently halted due to game development.
Join in on the streams at for current updates.


The overall idea within the organization is to team up and just have fun. The Verse is an open sandbox waiting to be explored and so many stories have yet to be told. These moments can be shared through video and photos; movies can be made, photos can be captured and edited. All products of creativity are celebrated and feedback is given if asked for.

This organization is best for those who really enjoy sharing moments with others. A simple practice we all share within a video game is to simply boot it up and experience it. And achievements no matter how big or small are always most enjoyable when sharing with others. We focus on that sense of community believing that it is the foundation of Star Citizen.

During the streams, community events are held such as filming movies, bounty hunting, low-flying, and so much more. Always feel free to join in on the fun! Do please always remember to remain respectful to the community and our bearded-leader Anarxix. Fun can always be had, but never at the expense of someone else’s.

Looking forward, the organization is looking for a place to call home one day in the Verse. Rebuilding the once lost city of Elysium and blasting retrowave all day. Filmmaking is a major staple event for the organization where members get to tell their own stories for all of the Star Citizen community to enjoy; Retro Raider Productions supports all of it’s members’ creativity. And of course, the Verse has it’s own story to tell, which is an excellent opportunity for us all to meet up and experience it together.


This organization is all about supporting and helping one another grow as a citizen and as a creator. Anyone who has malicious intentions to stunt the growth of the organizations’ members will be immediately expelled. The organization relies on trust and common sense with it’s members and any betrayal of that trust will be dealt with.

If you really don’t know any better then always ask. Depending on the situation a warning will be given, but this is not to be relied on however. The organization also has it’s own image to consider when having a griefer amongst it’s ranks; so it is highly recommended to not apply if you feel that you are above the rules and regulations of this organization.

Group gameplay is always encouraged whether it is a mission or casual shenanigans. Events and activities held by Anarxix require attentiveness so that we can stay on schedule and get what we need whether it is shots for a film production or simply just getting from the first location to the second. Communication is always necessary when working in groups so please feel free to speak up if it is important.

Other than that, have fun. We want our members connecting and going off on adventures. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Anarxix or any moderators and we will resolve any issues.