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Antifascist Union / ANTIFA

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Join the one big union! Home for undocumented citizens interested in militant action against the fascist United Empire of Earth. We are anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, anti-misogynist, and anti-transphobic. “Fascism is not to be debated. It is to be smashed…”


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The Antifascist Union (ANTIFA) is a home for undocumented citizens interested in militant action against the fascist United Empire of Earth (UEE). We believe that working people can build a new society and a better universe based on the principles of intergalactic solidarity and self-management.

Our view is that such a society will be brought about only by working people building their own self-managed mass organizations from the ground up. Independent working class organization exists to some extent today in the form of rank-and-file committees, tenants unions, workers centers and other formations that might represent the forerunner of such a movement.

We participate in current struggles and in the existing unions to fight for the rights of working people throughout the galaxy, while working to build new, self-managed unions in the workplace and self-managed community organizations.

In building organizations that are run directly by their membership, we not only create more effective organizations for fighting the bosses and imperialists in day-to-day struggles, we will also be laying the foundation for a new society run by working people.

We believe that the working class is in a prime position to overthrow the power of the bosses, given its essential economic role in society. It is we, the workers, who provide the capitalists with the skills, knowledge and labor that give them their profits. Without us, no plant or office could run, no ship could sail, no train could run, no periodical printed, no office cleaned, no document typed, no food produced, no food served. Without us, you could not use the internet.

We see the fight against white supremacy, gender inequality (patriarchy), and oppression of gay and non-binary people as essential elements of the struggle for an egalitarian, self-managed society.

We offer safe harbor for all undocumented individuals from the corrupt and fascist UEE, and we will continue our struggle until their empire is crushed and all peoples can live free without their oppression.

(adopted from Workers Solidarity Alliance)


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