Antisocial Tendancies / ANTISOCTEN

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Welcome everyone, to the heart of our community. Please rest yourself and feel free to look around. if you think we can make your life better, make your way to our Missionary section. Rest and Meditate in your Solidarity.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Coming into prominence shortly after the creation of the first quantum drive, the Singularity church stems its origins from the early station colonists who began living in the sea of stars, choosing to not have a life on a planet. often seen as nomads, members of the singularity church usually wear some accessory which is the universal symbol for a black hole on one side, and a sun on the other. To Date, no Singularity Sanctuary can be found on a planet, as those who live among the stars are their chief worshipers.


Our esteemed leaders have concluded a conclave and put into writing the foundation of our faith. We hold life as a value above all else, however we feel that breaking the following tenants while abiding by that damages ourselves.

** Never judge another being by your own moral compass. learn what they believe and help keep themselves accountable. ** The greatest innovations appear to come from those that are self-reliant. Individuals who go right to the edge and do something worth talking about. Not solo, of course, but as instigators of a team. In two words: never settle. ** The greatest missionaries do two things: they treat unbelievers with respect, and they measure. ** Trust: In Simplicity we trust. ** An honest ego in a healthy body. ** The Capacity for faith and rebellion. ** The sense of proportion or humor. ** Everyone is an evangelist, even people and organizations who don’t evangelize. They are just evangelists who are doing it poorly. ** Differences: Simplicity and Complexity need each other. ** Instinctive cooperation. ** The greatest missionaries and evangelists understand that people resist change and that ‘no’ is the single easiest way to do that. ** Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious, and adding the meaningful. ** Failure: some things can never be made simple. ** There isn’t much of a ‘short run’. It quickly becomes yesterday. The ‘long run’, on the other hand, sticks around for quite a while. ** Mass taste is rarely good taste. ** Learn. Knowledge makes everything simpler.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. We hold that all life is sacred, and each individual is able to earn their own happiness, however this should not come at the expense of others. Harassment and Griefing are not tolerated among our members; if one should provide evidence of such acts of one of our members; said member will be investigated and possibly excommunicated.