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Anubis Corporation / ANUBISCORP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Anubis Corporation is a limited partnership company being owned by a small group of shareholders or “Board Members” that meet on an irregular schedule to analyze, solve, and/or react to problems. We do structured missions to obtain money, in a variety of ways.


Created in the year 2035 on a small Greek island known as Altis, made profits out of sea excavation and cargo hauling, later with a more refined vision, the Corporation expanded and diversified it’s ability to obtain income. Now evolved into a multimillion Company with self governance.


Our Board of Directors are descusing the intentions of the Corporation at this time and are trying to settle on a course of action. At the moment, We urge that all members strive to incress funding for both them selves and also the corporation. Please come back for updated information.


All Anubis Corporation members are expected to know the rules and to accept the punishment, failure to do so results in a permanent Ban, all rule punishments are to be enacted by a manager and above to only their subordinates and then a written report/Msg to a Board Member(this includes Executive Board Members) Failure for a Leadership position to enact the punishment results in a Permanent Ban

While being in this Corporation, one must listen to their superior at all times, even if they are wrong, however every position of leadership has an “Open door policy” therefore later go to their superior and file a complaint.
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: 24 Hour Ban
3rd Offense: Permanent Ban

Never openly complain about any member of Anubis Corporation, we are a team and a community, act as such.
1st Offense: 1st Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: 2nd Verbal Warning
3rd Offense: 24-hour ban/Permanent Ban

Do not miss use corporation property that results in the destruction of that property.
1st Offense: Compensation/Full Replacement
2nd Offense: Compensation and Full Replacement
3rd Offense: Permanent Ban

Do not destroy a corporation member’s property, kill them, or enact a decision that results in the previously described scenario.
1st Offense: Compensation/Full Replacement
2nd Offense: Compensation and Full Replacement
3rd Offense: Permanent Ban

Do not say/type the “N word” in any circumstance
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: Permanent Ban

Do not Kill or Destroy any of the Corporation’s Friends and Allies
1st Offense: Compensation
2nd Offense: Compensation and 24-hour ban
3rd Offense: Permanent Ban

Do not spam chat, “ear rape”, text to chat, use Music Bot without permission, or in any way impede the Communication of Anubis Corporation
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: 24-Hour ban
3rd Offense: Permanent Ban

If you have any questions, want to appeal bans, worries, ideas, concerns, or solutions to anything, your first thing to do is to always Msg a Higher Rank