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Andomer Prospecting and Exploration Incorporated / APEI

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Exploration

ANDOMER PROSPECTING AND EXPLORATION INCORPORATED was born out of a mutual appreciation of exploring new opportunities, and harvesting resources from those opportunities for shared profit.

We are a small, family-oriented corporation. We support each other, and our friends. All are welcome.


ANDOMER PROSPECTING AND EXPLORATION INCORPORATED was originally conceived within the EVE Online universe, focusing heavily on harvesting the natural resources found within low-security space. These resources were then utilized for research, industrial production and raw economic return on the open markets.

With Star Citizen, we hope to return to this same model with vigor. We are a small, family-oriented corporation committed to helping our each other and our friends in reaching profitable goals through the exploitation of deep-space exploration, mining and industrial expansion.

If you feel you would like to be a part of this paradigm, you are welcome to apply. We would be honored to consider your request.


The motives and directives of ANDOMER PROSPECTING AND EXPLORATION INCORPORATED are as follows:

1. Explore the far reaches of the cosmos with the purpose of discovering harvest-able resources.
2. Find the most effective and efficient means of bringing these resources to market.
3. Utilizing the profit into furthering additional industrial, research and economic development.


Acknowledging our Manifesto demands, we promise the follow to our constituency and investors:

1. Our motive is profit, tempered with reason and a focus on community. We will always endeavor to assist each other and our allies in all pursuits.
2. All major decisions are made with the well-being of the group in mind.
3. Profit must always be invested in such a way that the company remains solvent and further development is possible.