Apex Freelancing / APEXCR

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Apex Freelancing began as Apex Conflict Resolution on Earth in the late twenty-sixth century. The modern organization operates as freelance operational teams for a variety of missions and tasks, but the transition to freelancing was accompanied by a focus on exploration and independent ventures.


Apex Freelancing was founded in 2569 as Apex Conflict Resolution, a small private armed organization marketing for security and combat intervention operations.

From 2770 to 2793, however, the organization suffered censure from governing authorities when Apex operators defended private interests against unlawful acquisition or confiscation. It was towards the end of this period that Apex Conflict Resolution was reestablished as Apex Freelancing.

Apex Freelancing has since been on the forefront of security, exploration, and engineering, turning the passion and motivation of its dedicated operators towards the advancement of humanity through reason, science, and when called for, the organization’s famed tenacity.


Apex Freelancing provides quality operators to fulfill contracts with a high degree of precision and skill. With a focus on the advance of science and exploration, Apex still maintains skills in security, information gathering, and analysis to meet your needs. If a task needs to be accomplished, Apex operators are trained to ensure that the job gets done and done right.

No matter the task, Apex is always at the top.


Apex Freelancing operators are held to the highest standards of skill and dedication, while fulfilling contracts to the utmost of their ability and limiting losses to affiliates with the most efficient means available. Apex has a strong anti-piracy stance, and will intervene against unprovoked hostilities regardless of contractual obligation.

In the fields of science, engineering, and exploration, the organization seeks to discover innovative solutions and uncover new assets to advance every potential field. When adversaries come calling, Apex responds with courage and tenacity.