Advanced Planetary Exploration Enterprise / APEXE

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Advanced Planetary Exploration Enterprise (APEXE) specialises in the exploration, cargo & hauling industries.

We aim to provide trade routes for profit & offer security to ensure the trade is constant & uncontested.


Advanced Planetary Exploration Enterprise


Starting as small bounty hunters & exploring the depths of the system. We became bigger and better, organised and strategized. With the right tactical approach there is little we cannot achieve.

We are always on standby and ready for the next adventure. We team up for the journey toward the infinite amounts of destinations.

There were times we were helpless, now we are those who aid in the helpless.

“Dominating trade by efficient cargo & hauling, assured and protected by our security & defence”

What we do:

  • We organise & supply constant trade, we maximise the efficiency of trade routes to maximise the profits.
  • We protect the cargo, the people, our people.
  • We secure the routes of trades & defend them, by diplomatic relations or by force.

Divisions of our Corporation

  • Trade, Cargo & Hauling
    Specialise in establishing trade routes, hauling & trading cargo, making huge stacks of profits.

  • Security & Defence
    Don’t want to trade? Join our Marines and Navy instead! Provide the protection & security to those in need!

  • Mining & Salvaging
    Mine resources & salvage the plunder of defeated foes.

Why Join?

Join our ranks in any division you have interest in, endless fun, get rich, get ships, crash.

What we offer:

  • Special Events (which anyone can join)
  • Climb our ranks
  • Endless fun
  • Mission help
  • New player help/guides
  • Roleplay
  • Tons of money to be made with us!

An endless journey with infinite destinations


Interplanetary trade has become a big industry in which we invested our interest in.

We aim to provide trade route details, hauling teams & security for cargo.

Across Stanton & Pyro, we aim to supply the demand of trade.


We aim to become big traders & haulers. We protect cargo whether it’s our own or out sourced.

We do not pirate.

We do not harm civilians.

We help those in need by any means.