Apogee Enterprise / APOGEE

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

The highest point of independent entrepreneurship


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


“I, however, have made no very great discoveries, yet I have explored more of the Great South Sea, than all that have gone before me.”
Captain James Cook, 17 August 1771

Inspired by the great maritime explorers of the age of discovery on Earth, Apogee Enterprise strives to expand the boundaries of the map while maintaining the capacity to operate independently while on the fringe of civilization. We encourage the growth of individual agency of our pilots. Our leadership supports flexibility, adaptability, and functional diversity within roles. With our primary focus being exploration, we retain capable security and commerce elements, allowing us to perform a variety of functions and satisfy the needs of a wide range of clients.

Primary Operations
  • general exploration
  • stellar anomaly cataloging
  • jump-point navigation
  • xeno-archeological and exobiological discoveries
  • resource surveying
  • salvage recovery
Ancillary Operations
  • mercantile
  • reconnaissance
  • security


Apogee Enterprise members do not experience rigid guild hierarchies and limitations. There are no compulsory guild taxes, or rigidly structured attendance rules, although reasonable levels of participation are valued and rewarded. We value skill and capacity for excellence in our endeavors, but our primary focus is the enjoyment of the game. For immersion’s sake, we are a light role-playing group in game or on mission, but do not discourage ‘out of character’ discussions when not on a mission.

Membership in multiple organizations is not frowned upon, although partners should expect to receive greater remuneration for greater contribution. Apogee Enterprise is open to partnership opportunities with like-minded organizations. While we respect our pilots’ right to manage their own personal business outside of the organization’s purview, in order to maintain the integrity of our business reputation, activities contravening UEE law such as piracy and contraband smuggling are not condoned while operating under the employ of Apogee Enterprise.