Arcturus Group / ARCGROUP

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Arcturus Group is formed by those who want to make fast credits. The rules are simple: No one is left behind, take any job if the pay’s right, finish the job – get paid. There are no moral or legal barriers. There is only paid work. Contact Arcgroup if you need something done right.


Arcturus Group was formed by two veteran navy pilots. Top of their classes at the military academy, these two men were highly skilled as pilots and strategists. Their abilities quickly drew the attention of the fleet admiral and they soon found themselves transferred to Special Operations. These “Black Ops” often required brutal and decisive action.

However, after years of constant fighting on the Vanduul Frontier, they realised they were risking their lives to follow increasingly immoral orders from commanders with egocentric agendas. Each operation was more hollow than the last; the mission objectives no longer aligned with the original reason for war. Greed had come to replace honour.The pilots had had enough. They wanted to reap the rewards, as their commanding officers did. Unfortunately, the only way out of special operations was either the end of service, or in a body bag. They still had a long term ahead of them, but they soon envisaged better ways to utilize their specialist skills.

It was then, that Arcturus Group was born. Operating under this discreet alias, the two pilots took advantage of the holes in military logistics as well as widespread tours of duty to establish opportunities and contacts for their budding enterprise. A phrase became known in certain circles: “If you needed something done right, ArcGroup would do it. For a price”.

Interestingly, their identities never came close to being compromised. As the years went on, ArcGroup’s reputation grew. With this reputation came larger and riskier jobs. The founders were forced to bring trusted partners into the fold to help. These soldiers were loyal to the two pilots and the steady stream of credits their association attracted.

It is now the year 2942, after serving two decades in the UEE Navy, the two highly decorated officers have been discharged with honours. No longer bound to secrecy, Arcturus Group emerged from the shadows and into the public realm.

The Arcturus name is already widely known and respected, even if some officials question its origins. Either way, it isn’t going anywhere as long as the credits keep flowing.


Formed in 2922 by two aspiring Citizens, Arcturus Group is an organisation that produces the kind of results people have come to expect from an elite freelancing team. With extensive military foundations, ArcGroup seeks out precision and efficiency in all areas of work. The members that make up ArcGroup hail from all corners of the known systems and bring their knowledge and experience on board with each mission. It is because of our diverse employee base that ArcGroup takes a neutral stance when it comes to politics or frontlines. By extension, legality and morality play very little in when it comes to jobs. Provided the pay is proportional to the risks involved, we will take any work from any client. Whether you need that VIP escorted through Vanduul space or Kallis IV desperately needs those medical supplies; turn to ArcGroup for your security solutions.

Corporate achievements:

  • Assisted in the battle of Hades Field
  • Responsible for the Odin II blockade run
  • Coordinated the salvage operation of the battle for Elysium IV
  • Assassinated the pirate lord Cephus

Arcturus Group is always looking to hire. If you think you have what it takes to follow through with a job no matter the risks while looking out for your fellow members, then there may be a place for you. After initial assessment by one of our qualified recruiting officers, you will be required to undergo training and then supervised work. If you meet our rigorous standards, you will be welcomed in to our organisation and gain access to a share of the credits. The pockets of all members remain constantly well padded.

ArcGroup is a very tight-knit family, and protecting this family is paramount. ArcGroup can be involved in some very dangerous situations. No matter the cost, never leave a member behind. This organisation also has a rock-solid reputation to uphold, for what is a name without standing? With this in mind, all employees are expected to conduct themselves professionally and with pride.



1. Members should act professionally and treat each other with respect at all times.

2. Absolutely no racism, sexism, homophobia or any other forms of prejudice will be tolerated.

3. In or out; Members must commit to ArcGroup, other organisations must be affiliations only and these must be shown to ArcGroup Officers. Failure to do so will result in the termination of your employment.

4. Members are to treat other organisations indifferently unless open partnership is announced. The same goes for open war.

5. Members are to show their employment with ArcGroup at all times through the use of clan tags [ARC], avatars, signatures, etc. This applies through teamspeak and RSI forums.

6. While we want you to play Star Citizen as you will, members are expected to partake in at least one company event or job a week. Non participants will be removed from the organisation.

7. ArcGroup takes the advice and opinions of its members seriously, but a ranking officer’s decision is final. This isn’t a democracy.


1. The Golden Rule: Finish the job, no matter the cost. The reputation of the company must be upheld.

2. No-one gets left behind: I want to see all of you make it planetside for a beer. First rounds’ on me.

3. Once the company cut has been taken, pay is split evenly among all job participants. We are all parts in the greater machine.

4. Decisions on pay are final. We ensure all payment is fair and equal.

5. The company is able to pay members who provide private ships. As well as the usual job cut, members are eligible for a bonus depending on ship relevance.

6. ArcGroup will be able to buy ships second-hand from members looking to sell.

7. ArcGroup actively supports members rights to self defence.

8. Job roles will be assigned on a rank basis. Higher ranking members get the first pick, and so forth.

9. Company account earnings and expenditure will be transparent for all members to see. This report will include a list of all recently bought assets.

10. Any non-defensive acts of aggression towards other members, griefing, stealing, killing or any other form of anti-social behaviour will get you fired from the company and you may have a price put on your head.

11. Termination of employment is done by contacting a recruitment officer. We understand that members goals and directions may change with time, so members can quit at any time with no drawbacks. The only requirement would be to remove all company branding and tags from profiles.


1. If you like what you see, you can start the application process by clicking the join button above. Take some time to write a little bit about yourself and what you think you can give to and take from the company.

2. Your gaming skill isn’t of importance to us. What we want in an applicant is a friendly demeanour, willing contributions and good teamworking skills. Anyone can learn how to fly, it takes a special kind of person to build the Star Citizen experience ArcGroup wants its members to enjoy.

3. If your application isn’t accepted, you can try to apply again. This may be due to a recruiting officer taking your application message as something that isn’t in tune with the experience we want to craft… Or maybe “Hey, I want to join, I have a Constellation lol” isn’t going to cut it.

4. Once accepted into the company, you will be placed under probation and ranked as an Airman (Rank 0) until an officer feels you have passed initial assessment, whereby you will be elevated into our ranking system and become a full member. This probation will vary between recruits and is where we find out what kind of person you are.

5. Promotions are awarded based on contribution and acts of valour. This process is entirely subjective and will be scrutinised on a case by case basis. Just because a member was promoted for dying while defending a company ship doesn’t mean you will. This will prevent an influx of “lemming syndrome” where everyone throws themselves at death hoping for a higher rank.

6. You will only be paid for the jobs you complete.This excludes circumstances out of your control such as ship damage/destruction. If you disconnect halfway through a job, you won’t get a cut unless you can prove it wasn’t intentional. Again, this will be judged on a case by case basis.


Have fun. Whether you want to fit in with the freelancer business role-play or just play the game with the security of a guild, enjoy your time here and make it enjoyable for those around you.