Arctos / ARCTOS

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

“There are dark shadows in the universe, but our lights are stronger in contrast.”

- Titus Andronicus, speaking to a new batch of recruits in 2945



Driven by his own loss and hardships, High Admiral Titus Andronicus set out to form an organization determined to help those who cannot help themselves and stomp out piracy. That organization, known at the time as [REDACTED], had grown to become one of the most decorated Imperial private military firms. As the universe continued to expand and exploration lead to great discoveries, eminent threats lurked just beyond. It became clear that a specialized military force was necessary, and [REDACTED] would take on that role.

The organization was initially tasked with aiding military transport and occasionally protecting merchant caravans, but it quickly grew as a prominent force as word spread of the group’s diligence and professionalism. What began as a ragtag group of ex-military personnel and mercenaries soon turned into an organized force to be reckoned with.


With so much recognition surrounding the organization, it was only a matter of time until [REDACTED] would attract the attention of the universe’s more notorious groups. In early 2945, the organization faced it’s first large-scale cyber attack, leading to a period of complete silence. For just over a week, all communication – both internal and external – ceased. No ransom, no reason, no indication of motive. It was the first time the group felt relatively helpless.

Finally, Titus received a cryptic message from a man calling himself “Devlin”. Official UEE records showed no indication of “Devlin” existing, though Titus’ old contacts gave off-the-record accounts of a ghost operative who used to use the callsign. He arranged a time to meet, both men promising not to entrap the other, and both men ultimately keeping their word. Titus has never revealed what exactly the message said, and neither have spoken about what was discussed during the meeting. Devlin became a co-leader of [REDACTED] that day, however, and has honored his role in the organization since.


One evening in 2945, the UEE’s view of [REDACTED] suddenly took a turn. It is unclear exactly how the rift formed between the two groups, but the UEE began to censor all records of [REDACTED] ‘s existence. The organization scrambled to make sure it was not another attack, but to his dismay, Andronicus learned that the UEE no longer wanted to be associated with [REDACTED]. The organization became yet another generic entity on the official record. [REDACTED] was dead.


Andronicus and Devlin called an emergency meeting, pulling all [REDACTED] operatives from around the verse. It was clear that a change was necessary, and the group no longer felt the desire to associate with the UEE or UEE-affiliated organizations. Tempers flared as various members wanted to retaliate. Andronicus reminded them of their initial intentions. This was not a vindictive group, this was a group that would live with honor and dignity. No matter how upset they were, they could not sink to become that which they swore to defend against.

A new charter was drafted and Arctos was born. Keeping with the same principals [REDACTED] helped build, Arctos would live on.



Arctos is dedicated to delivering exceptional performance and elite security solutions, focusing on counter-terrorism, force protection, law enforcement, and security operations. Our goal is to provide our clients the best service imaginable, leading to their success in the most challenging environments around the universe.


The team at Arctos lives by three simple standards:


As one of the strongest private firms in the universe, it is important that Arctos protects those who may lack the strength to protect themselves.


Though Arctos is not a police force, the vast network of affiliates it has maintained is used to apprehend lawbreakers and serve justice when necessary.


At the end of the day, the skills provided by the members of Arctos require due payment and a steady stream of funding. Having money is good. Having more money is better.