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Argus Corporation / ARGUSCORP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Trading

The eyes of Argus watch over the galaxy.


Founding of Argus Corporation

Argus Corporation was founded on the principle that absolute power should not be given to only one person, and to this day they still stand on that principle. Argus Corporation is not ruled by anyone, it is based on an election system of government that prevents anyone from taking too much power over the organization. There are currently six divisions within the organization, each controlled/operated by an Executive Officer whom is elected once every three months. After the three month time period has passed, new Executive Officers are voted into power by all members of the Corporation. Elections are held just like in real life, anyone in the Corporation is allowed to run for office for any of the six divisions, and they will then start campaigning and gaining followers in our forums. You can see all six divisions and descriptions of them in the Manifesto section.

Role of the Board Members

While almost all power in the organization is divided six ways between the elected Executive Officers, there needed to be a system of checks and balances. The Board Members serve as a sort of council, if the Board thinks that an Executive Officer is abusing his/her power or not doing their job, then the Board can start a vote to remove the Executive Officer from power and the election process will start again for that position.

The Board is the only one who can purchase ships/land/property with Corporation credits, however, Executive Officers can petition the Board to purchase anything that their division needs. Board Members will never use Corporation credits for their own personal gain, all Corporation credits go to the betterment of the six divisions.

The Board is the only one who can officially declare war on another organization, however, that does not mean you cannot attack another organization, it just means that it is not “officially” supported by the Corporation. The War Division can petition the Board to declare war on another organization.

In conclusion, Board Members have No Power over the decisions of the Executive Officers. The Board can vote to replace an Executive Officer, but only if it is determined that the Executive Officer is not active or not representing their division by creating events and activities for it’s members.

Role of the Executive Officers

The Executive Officers are the elected officials who are elected once every three months by every member of the Corporation. There are six different divisions that can be run for, and the Executive Officer who is elected into a certain office has complete control over what activities the division will be doing, and it is the Executive Officer’s responsibility to create events and group activities for their division. The Board Members have no power over the Executive Officer’s activities, but if the Executive Officer is not active and not creating events and activities for their division, then the Board can vote to replace the current Officer. It is the Executive Officer’s responsibility to represent their division and to create fun events for it’s members.

In conclusion, the Executive Officers are the Elected officials who control their division and it’s activities. There are Six Divisions in total, with one Executive Officer per division. Elections are held once Every Three Months.


War Division

The War Division is the go-to division for players who are looking for PVP and destruction. The War Division focuses on fighting enemy organizations/corporations, as well as anyone bold enough to pick a fight with Argus Corporation. The Executive Officer who is in charge of The War Division will organize groups for PVP, and also organize strike groups during times of war.

In conclusion, this division is for players who are interested in PVP and Organization Wars.

Science and Exploration Division

The Science and Exploration Division is for players who show interest in playing as an explorer, or show interest in the science/research aspect of the game. The Executive Officer who is in charge of this division will be in charge of organizing exploration events for the Corporation, as well as conducting science/research related group activities.

In conclusion, this division is for players who are interested in Exploration and Science.

Transportation and Logistics Division

The Transportation and Logistics Division is for players who are interested in the trading/cargo running aspects of the game. The Executive Officer who is in charge of this division will organize group cargo runs for increased safety, and similar events for people who want to do cargo running/trading within the safety of a group.

In conclusion, this division is for players who are interested in Trading and Cargo Running.

Industrial Mining and Salvage Division

The Industrial Mining and Salvage Division is for players who are interested in the mining and salvaging aspects of the game. The Executive Officer who is in charge of this division will organize mining and salvage operations, and other similar events for people who want to mine and salvage within the safety of a group.

In conclusion, this division is for players who are interested in Mining and Salvaging.

Asset Reclamation Division

The Asset Reclamation Division is for players who are interested in the piracy aspect of the game. The Executive Officer who is in charge of this division is responsible for organizing “Asset Reclamation” group activities for anyone interested. Here at Argus Corporation, we don’t like to use the “P” word.

In conclusion, this division is for players who are interested in Piracy.

Security and Criminal Justice Division

The Security and Criminal Justice Division is for players who want to make their living as bounty hunters, or as private security for cargo runners or other organizations. The Executive Officer who is in charge of this division will organize groups for bounty hunting, and to offer private security to other organizations or players.

In conclusion, this division is for players who are interested in Bounty Hunting and Private Security.


Election Process

There are six divisions within the Corporation, each with one elected Executive Officer. Anyone in the Corporation is allowed to run for office, and they would then go to our forums to start campaigning and gaining followers for the election. Elected officials stay in office for three months, and then another election takes place. Once an election is over, each Executive Officer gets to choose three of their followers to promote to the rank of Management Officer, and they will serve as assistants to the Executive Officer. Executive Officers have complete control of their division, and they organize events and activities related to their division.

Corporate Ranks

Board Member

The Board Members serve as a sort of council, they can vote to make certain decisions, but they hold no true power within the organization. Only highly trusted players withing the Corporation are promoted to Board Members.

Executive Officer

The Executive Officers are the elected officials within the Corporation, and there is one per division. They make decisions such as what to focus on withing their division, as well as making events and group activities within their division. To become an Executive Officer, you have to win one of the six division elections.

Administrative Advisor

The rank of Administrative Advisor is an honorary rank given to former Executive Officers. Administrative Advisors have no power within the Corporation, but they can act as advisors to the new Executive Officer elected to office. The new Executive Officer can choose to take the advisor’s advice, or to do things their own way.

Management Officer

The Management Officer is the rank given to the three players that one of the elected Executive Officers promoted. The Management Officer serves as an “assistant” to their Executive Officer, and they can be asked to command a squadron, lead a mining operation, lead an exploration expedition, etc…

Senior Associate

The rank of Senior Associate is given to any player who has been in the Corporation for more than a week, and it shows that they have demonstrated interest in Argus Corporation.

Junior Associate

The rank of Junior Associate is the standard rank given to any new member of Argus Corporation, and they will be promoted to Senior Associate after a week of membership to the Corporation.