• PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Security
  • Exploration

The ARKANGEL Corporation has origins rooting back to another MMO, being founded in 2007. When that MMO fell apart, it sought a new home where its tactics and dreams of order could be realized. Now in Star Citizen, ARKANGEL seeks to establish a true government and establish sovereignty.


The history of man has never been a question of morality. Of existence. It, nomatter the age, was a constant war for survival. Man has survived through the exploitation of all it can find: resources, technology, and itself. Lands have been spoiled, and entire cultures fallen to ash and flame. In the end, this had a price.

Resources began to dwindle.

Prometheus Industries was the cutting edge of artificial intelligence in the year of 2092. With the disbanding of NATO and the oil epidemic of 2076, Prometheus began searching for an answer to both the resource wars, and its financial situation. PI was heavily hit by the loss of oil as a driving force in production and maintenance, but it pushed to continue on. It signed a contract with Spire Colonization Corporation in a deal that would forever change humanity’s path.

Over the 2090’s, and ending in 3020 was a boom of colonization and exploration. Planet after planet was terraformed, and massive life support networks were established on the worlds which could never support life. This however, was all thanks to Prometheus Industries.

In 3012, a virus was uploaded into a mining drone to play a prank on an employee. Since this was the first new data gained by the machine in ages, it prioritized it. Drones throughout the colony of New Roanoke exploded at random times, setting alight anything close that could burn, melting lighter metals.

PI claimed the incident an accident, citing buildup of dust within the drones blocking internal parts. The stress caused them to blow apart. This was credible at first glance, until results returned from third party testing.

In secret, SCC slowly analyzed the data at hand. It slowly infiltrated sections of PI hoping to change the balance of planetary control. This operation reached its climax on November 1st, 3021. At 9 PM, four SCC technicians entered the underground facility. Their goal was the download of the access program used for the AI. It took five hours to isolate the program, and an hour more to hide the evidence of tampering. By 7:00 the next morning they had left with the program. A week later, SCC leaked the access program to wreak havoc on PI. It allowed a third of the drones to be accessed freely, using the rest to hijack infrastructure and materials. The next day, the remnants of PI were bought out by SCC. Publicity ensured the company had no other choice than to bail. With total control over various assets and terraformed systems, SCC cut off supply lines to let the governments on Earth choke. Phase two of their operation had begun. By 3053, governments fell to anarchy and martial law. People ran to SCC for a stable future, which it gladly provided. Those who didn’t, died in resource riots or starvation.

In 3055, SCC began the long process of reorganization. Infrastructure was established across all known systems. Research was done to pave the way of expansion. On June 12th, 3070, SCC was fully reformed into the United Sol Empire. It’s capital became Endurance, a symbol of the SCC’s accomplished dream for life in any environment. It immediately began colonization of even farther systems, while repairing the starved Earth.
The USE functions through an emperor and council, who run the Empire largely like the directorate ran PI. Under that, are the Departments of Colonization, Civil Security, Research, Civil Duty and Business.


Our faith may falter. Our time seem wasted. But our spirits shall never break.

Look not to the deserters as a sign of weakness, but of strength. For each one time takes from us, we gain steps closer to ridding absolute corruption from ourselves. As they leave, we lose the fatal flaws that have plagued us for years. As we remain we perfect our problems, and continue to advance our science.

As our operations and plans roll onward, we gain a new understanding of our new home. A corrupting technologically and culturally stagnant ruin of our old paradise. We find new ways to aid and convert Outsiders each time, and each time we gain a valuable return.

There are those among us, whose confidence in the Corporation is waning. To them, I simply say wait or aid. Our technology is ever evolving, our tactics always adapting, and our facilities always being constructed. In time new venues of work always come, and with it bring new blood.

Long ago, our white halls were once filled by scores of our brethren. Long ago, our reach extended well beyond the screen. But times have changed.

Time has shattered our technology. Disaster struck hard against our numbers. But nothing shall ever crack our spirit. A spirit that once built the most advanced and powerful organization in all of MMOs. A spirit that built a decade long legacy. A spirit that continues to drive us onward, even as our once dear brethren burn and corrupt around us. We. Shall survive.

For many years we have been cursed. Icarus chasing the sun. For many years our world has been shattered. But now we find unity. Unity in each-other. Unity in our methods. And Unity in our dream. A world in which there are no more threats. A safe place, unified against corruption, malpractice and perversion. It is now that our old scars tear away, revealing hardened armor, which shall never yield. It is now that we remember why we burned all those years ago, to attain revenge. It is now that we slowly rebuild our paradise, a place like no other.

For all these years, we have prepared. Purging ourselves of inefficiency. Purging our technology of outside influence. Purging our records of biased thought. And now we are ready.

This Awakening has already begun. Not King, Emperor, nor Elite can stop us in our wake. Not the Collapse which crippled our body. Not the Outcasts who crippled our hearts with betrayal. Not the countless threats and warnings that continue to amass. For we have already prepared their end.

As of now; The Corporation has begun the systematic infiltration and cauterization of the Universe at large. None shall remain but the pure to rise from the ashes. None shall ever harm us again.

From each Organization, a champion shall be selected. One to come here to learn. To rehabilitate. To realize why we did what we simply had to do.

On this day, we cast away the errors and failures of our past.

On this day, we declare absolute hostility to any factions aside from allies, who walk into our worlds, our events, our path.

On this day, we show the galaxy what happens when you try to kill a God.

And they will finally know the Hell they unleashed.


This is the primary source of rules and guidelines for the ARKANGEL Corporation. All are to heed these instructions or risk loss of status or exile. All rules count for all scenarios, and breaking them even in chats will result in temporary removal from said chats.

01-No pornographic content or refrences when on duty, it will not be tolerated. Those caught will be temporarily kicked and/or banned from the server for a time not exceeding 10 minutes.

02-Respect all others, and keep quarrels to a minimum. You may not like each other all the time, but it mustn’t interfere with our work.

03-Ganging up on someone with repeated harassment is banned, it can lead to actions which severely disrupt events and others around you, it also drops the morale of the victim to a level where they do not wish to work. A good community is a core aspect of ARKANGEL, and we will not tolerate assholes.

04-Always remain clear. Lies, extravagant claims and general untrue statements will be treated as outright hostility and will be punished for as seen fit.

05-Always explain absences and mark times of inactivity, inactivity exilation take place every other friday, you are immune from this if you have presented what is deemed to be a valid explanation.

06-Any excessive idiocy or meming will not be tolerated, as well as talking/yelling directly into mics (Staticy screaming with no purpose but to gain attention.)

07-Any event or situation where a SC (Sector Commander) directly is ordering units is considered on-duty. Remain serious and attentive during these times, or risk being excluded.

01-There is no “Sir” or “Ma’am” here. If you must speak formally, state rank and then a shortened username or ID. Example: ‘‘Director Curtis”.

02-Silence is expected, be quick and clear with comms of any kind when in training or combat, this way everyone is attentive and ready without distraction. It is also a sign of discipline, and in extension, respect.

03-When raiding or attack do not engage or take any action until the SC begins relaying orders.

04-If you have questions, always ask. It is important here that you learn what you wish in order to understand ARKANGEL.

05-Orders are to be followed with all deliberate haste. Everything we do is for a reason, but if the order is absolutely ridiculous, feel free to question it. If the order isn’t backed by logic-ignore it.

06-Any and all protocols are to be memorized-You aren’t expected to know what goes where, but if it’s something major, remember it. Leadership, Combat and Alcatraz are the key protocols.

01-Removal from chat systems until the next morning.

02-Temporary ban from group activities (not permanent ban.) Default T-Ban time is 30 minutes. If the unit does not return, it is considered unexcused absence.

03-ISU (Internal Security Unit) investigation, leading to trial. The results of a trial can lead anywhere from a drop in status to exile, to the allowance of public harassment over your misdeeds