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Armadyne Industries / ARMADYNE

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Welcome to Armadyne Industries. A proud industry corporation known throughout the discovered universe. Our main offices are located at Earth and Terra. We also have outposts in the border systems with the Banu and Xian for cross empire trading.

Thank you for choosing Armadyne Industries.


Armadyne Industries was founded in 2026 by top industrialists and generals of the United Nations of Earth. With huge investments due to cutting edge technology Armadyne quickly expanded throughout Earth itself building facilities in all continents that mainly produced military goods and supplied to government of Earth.

With the rise of space mining and the historical flight of the RSI Zeus the Armadyne Research and Development facilities started experimenting with space weapons and space minerals. In 2190 a huge corporate investment in to space had been made and with the CEO’s long term goal of reaching space and contributing in to the ever growing interest and ever increasing profit Armadyne launched in to Space setting their first office in Mars and beginning production with the resources found in Mars to supply the terraformed Mars. Production from plastic to water supplies everything was collaborated with the government thus incredible corporate gains were made both politically and monetarily.

With the propulsion of humanity to space further expansions expanded our known universe even further. Meanwhile Armadyne was producing military grade space weapons as early as 2300. The United Nations of Earth government procured many of Armadyne’s weapons and non-military products. In 2358 the biggest German investors Klaus and Werner in Armadyne suddenly pulled their stock out and sold it very cheap which led to a crash of stock market value in the company. These German billionaires started soon to invest in their own company and stole many of the blueprints and data from Armadyne to propel their own ambitious company in to a high industry standard.

Until the year 2430 Armadyne declined and finally called in bankruptcy. One of the leading companies was doomed due to a backstabbing scheme. Meanwhile the new German company called Klaus&Werner rose to prominence with their military weapon designs and attracted the German politicians in UEE which pushed the UEE council to procure goods from that company dropping Armadyne’s government contract supplier status. 8 years after the call for bankruptcy at Armadyne humanity discovered the first alien race the Banu. The remaining faithful board members of Armadyne were seeing a last chance for the company to get back and grasp its previous position of prominence.

A 200 year long business plan was set up. Ever ambitious but if it would succeed it would have been unimaginable. Armadyne with its few remaining 170.000 employees set up all their resource and shut down all unnecessary facilities of production and trading and started to prepare for investment’s in UEE border space systems to the Banu. They thought that the new Alien race would have a great potential to drive in trade and resources and while no companies were interested at that time due to the dangers of a new species Armadyne risked all and built the first trading outpost at the border to Banu. At the time when the trading outpost was being set up Humans and Banu signed the first Peace and Trade Accord.

The Banu saw Armadyne as the first human company they could trade with and the importance of this trade road to humanity ran over Armadyne outposts which propelled profits and aided in the return of the corporation to the marketplace. As ever rich and never known resources were coming through the profit Armadyne made quadrupled and Armadyne got a contract to support one of the most known weapon companies Klaus&Werner. While old grudges were still there all were in for the profit and the demand of resources.

The year 2546 was when Armadyne re-entered politics after 300 years of absence. While High General Messer ascended to being Prime Citizen his families ties as well as investments with Armadyne were really helpful for the company. With Messer’s introduction to politics the United Nations of Earth became the United Planets of Earth as humanity expanded to space and local governments kept ties with Earth. Messer’s right wing and militaristic interests helped the military industrial complex grow ever larger. Armadyne started supplying resources to the military and produced a lot of military equipment but never could it compete with the bigger companies that started dominating the market like RSI, Drake, K&W, MISC, Anvil, Origin.

Hundreds of years passed and many wars have been fought with the Vanduul. Messer’s politically dominating era faded but his family never dropped their investments in companies that supported them in their ruling era. Armadyne remained a known company but never was a prestigious leader in the industry anymore. While it received criticism for supporting the Messer government in the past 300 years Armadyne’s CEO and board members always denied this and said they were looking out for the profit of the company more than the ideological aims of the Messer Regime.

If that statement was true or not nobody could tell. Yet in the year of 2944 Armadyne still exists with a far reaching history. Now it focuses more on resources and industrial production than military but still supplies military companies with the raw materials. Trade with border races like the Banu and the Xian still are a big factor in the company structure as most of the income comes through those sectors.

This is the history of A.I.

Now it is time to rise to be as big as before and to truly honour the history of Armadyne Industries.


The intentions of Armadyne Industries is to see our once upon a time prestigious company return to it’s place between the biggest companies which dominate the market at the moment.

We aim to spread even farther across the known universe and improve our ever expanding reach in industry and trading. Further advancing our goals for being the ultimate Industrial producer in UEE space.

The only motive Armadyne holds is “Company first everything else second.”


5 rules of Armadyne Industries.

1. Armadyne first everything else is second.

2. Possess a Microphone to be able maintain voice contact with Armadyne members.

3. Spread the word about Armadyne Industries to introduce new employees.

4. Be active as much as you can within the corporation.

5. Abide by UEE rules.