Argent Brotherhood / ARRG

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Freelancing

“Is the Cargo in your hold worth your life?”

Need some goods smuggled? Maybe some rival merchants harassed? Or maybe you’re seeking to lighten the cargo holds of some fat tradesman. Let us know. We’ll be around.

For Org inquiries and apps please contact, thank you.


We are a group of gamers that have been playing with each other for years. Some from UO, some from Planetside and WoW.

We have played every game you could probably think of and do well with the team work we are able to employ. We have always been a RL first group and as such have never carried the moniker of ‘Hardcore’. But this has never stopped us from achieving the things we have.

A few of us started with the 666th Devil Dogs in Planetside 1 (and into PS2). Others began their ties in the battle grounds of UO. And, from the islands of the Aegean Sea, come a whole new group to prove themselves under the Argent banner.

Clan Silver Beard was one of the largest and oldest guilds on Garona, in World of Warcraft. We raided, we PvP’d and we dungeon dived with the best of them. Through all the years we have done this laughing and have been a tight group ever since.

We are a casual friendly group, this has always been our way. We have always had fun. From tequila and beer fueled raids to three hours of giggle fits. We have always had fun.

An Argent Brotherhood origin story

The Brotherhood can trace it’s lineage to the Planetside Wars of 2845 and the Craft Wars of 2876, over a century ago.

During the UEE push to assert it’s dominance over human colonies in the galaxy, many systems were crushed into compliance by the UEE Navy and Armies. One such system is called Castra.

The separatist armies had fought for as long as they could against the UEE invaders, but the main defense force could not stand against the heavily supplied and well trained soldiers. The defense force, known at the time as ‘The Argent Legion’ soon fractured and found itself running guerrilla warfare operations for the next 10 years.

Once the UEE Navy and Army had left the system, the Advocacy took over. Employing targeted killings and torture, the Advocacy was very successful at breaking down what was left of the resistance. The next ten years of occupation could have been considered as peaceful, if you were on the outside looking in. The reality of the situation couldn’t have been more different.

Unfortunately, for the Advocacy, what was left of the separatist movement switched tactics. Covert cells of highly experienced operators and agents began running a black market and started to assassinate members of the UEE. The local media outlets dubbed these cells as ‘The Tide’.

The population of Castra, having seen the Advocacy’s methods, were becoming disillusioned about their new government. The Tide had finally started to receive assistance from all sectors of the population, this came at a cost though. Soon ordinary citizens were disappearing, word of secret tribunals and collaboration from the upper classes began to surface.

And then came 2934-01-20, a day in which had been designed to show the populace of Castra forgiveness and allow members of the Tide to return into the fold of society with blanket pardons. Huge parties and parades had been scheduled to showcase the Tide returning to society, Pict screens covering entire buildings had been installed so all could see the event. The UEE Governors had other plans however.

Vast areas of the cities were locked off later in the day and the Advocacy deployed in force to contain the crowds. What happened next will permanently leave a scar on any who witnessed the event.

The Tide had seen this UEE pardon as a chance to come to the table and set a modicum of independence, this much had been passed on to them by UEE delegates and Secret Services and nearly all of the Tide had bought it.

Meeting on the steps before the Governors Palace, 5000 plus unarmed Tide members and leadership were dressed in formations to receive the pardon. The ‘General’, Clan Geddon, went to the podium next to the Governor and began to address his troops. Geddon may have been dubbed a ‘Terrorist’ but before that he had been a highly celebrated war hero, the people loved him.

Geddon never finished his first sentence.

The Leader of the Advocacy in Castra stepped behind Geddon and shot him in the head. Many said the silence stretched across the system. The silence didn’t, in reality, last all that long. Sonic crowd control devices had been deployed around the remaining Tide soldiers before their arrival. The death of Geddon signaled what can only be described as a slaughter.

The sonic cannons incapacitated most of the Tide soldiers which made the task of the Heavy Assault Marines that much easier. With combat blades, the Marines went in and cleaved the Tide into piles of moving flesh and rivers of blood. In a little over two hours over 5000 men and women had died and all the population of Castra could do was watch in stunned silence.

This is the day that the population lost it’s will to fight. This is the day a small group of veteran Tide members decided they had to leave the UEE and live secretly as the Argent Brotherhood.

On this day, The Blood Tide, the Argent Brotherhood was born with only one goal in mind. Castra will be free of UEE control. There are no limits now on what the Brotherhood will do to resolve this goal.

If you are a citizen of the UEE, you should be scared.


The Brotherhood Principles

Through piracy, smuggling and infiltration we will see a free Castra.

We will see a weapon and armament trade created into Castra.

We are here to make the lives of UEE citizens a living hell. It is our turn to paint UEE streets in their blood.

We give no mercy to our enemies. Our friends haven’t a better blade in their arsenals.

All Brothers and Agents are free to act, in combat, however they see fit.

The last thing a Brotherhood enemy shall hear “The Brotherhood sends their regards”.


The Argent Brotherhood is a mature pirate organization that focuses on everything from PvP, PvE, Trade and Infiltration. Any and all types of players are welcome.

We are not based in a sole timezone. We are open to all across the planet that we call Earth.

We are looking for people that can give us 10+ hours a week of activity. Being the mature group that we are, we understand that real life does come first. We all have families and jobs.

We will be operating our own forums and mumble. You are expected to use both of these tools as they will allow you to fully invest into our organization.

All applications will require interviews and all Brothers and Agents will be able to ask you about your experience and plans.

This organization is for people that are able to get activities going on their own. If you are one of those players that must wait for others to get things started, you may want to look elsewhere.

Specific Operational Information:

Any UEE citizen is fair game in our operations.
  • We will have supporters within the UEE, however, that you will have no rights to harm. You WILL know of these people.
  • Actions resulting in the death of a Brotherhood supporter will result in your death and confiscation of any and all assets the Brotherhood will be able to access.

A Brother is a trusted veteran of our group. You are free to perform in actions as you see fit. After action reports may need to be given to the Council if Brotherhood wide issues may arise from your action.

The Council has the right to change SOP and our Brothers and Agents are forced to follow them.

We have long and short term events that can span from a week to a few months. These events are created solely for the benefit of the Brotherhood. They can range from group skirmishes with enemy organizations to trade route disturbances. There may also be a call to capture additional ships for the Brotherhood fleet.

We offer all of our brother’s and agent’s families compensation for a death while on operations. The chosen next of kin will be well taken care of by the Brotherhood and entry into the organisation will be automatically granted into the rank of Agent.

To all that die by our actions we say “The Brotherhood sends their regards”.

We will have a kill mail forum to host your glorious deeds. Some deeds may even be broadcast on vid feeds on Youtube. All great deeds will be rewarded.

Our role is to stay in the shadows until we are strong enough to fight in the light.

We do not advertise. Our people will find us. We will grow through our achievements, not through words.