Mechtechnal Artifact Securement Society / ARTIFACT

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Infiltration

Often Outnumbered, but Never Outgunned!



The Mechtechnal Artifact Securement Society, arouse in the 26th Century, after the discovery of the Hades system, when a small group of exohistorians theorized that the former occupants of the system had destroyed themselves in no small part with true FTL drive technology.

Ridiculed for their outlandish belief, by the mainstream scientific community, these exohistorians unexpectedly received support of their idea from the eccentric billionaire arms manufacture Galfick Mechtechnal. Who published a controversial astrophysics paper speculating that some jump points were actually created as a residual byproduct from the use of true FTL drives, used by several now extinct galactic civilizations.

Convinced that true FTL drives were not only possible, but posed an innate danger to the survival of galactic civilization itself. Galfick Mechtechnal used his influence and considerable fortune to create an organization of like minded exohistorians dedicated to locating and securing artifacts from civilizations suspected to have developed and then destroyed themselves with FTL drives.

Realizing that those with more nefarious aims would reach the same conclusion and also be looking to secure these artifacts. Galfick also created a paramilitary branch of the newly created Mechtechnal Society, tasked with providing security for known artifacts, and securing others by force when needed. Equipped with the latest & greatest from his arms factory, these elite warriors of the Mechtechnal, known as Mechtechnal Knights, soon earned the reputation of being the hardest hitting warriors around; and adopted the motto of “Often Outnumbered, but Never Outgunned!”.

Despite considerable initial press reports about the organization when first formed. The Mechtechnal Artifact Securement Society, commonly referred to as the “Mechtechnal Society” or simply just “Mechtechnal”, have since kept a near shadow group profile; least public hype about artifacts from long dead civilizations create a gold rush of sorts for finding relics with apocalyptic potential. Indeed how many, if any, significant artifacts the Mechtechnal have collected since the 26th century has long been completely unknown to even to the most astute government intelligence agencies. Furthermore those in the general public who have even heard of the Mechtechnal, aside from the top-end arms company by the same name, often assume incorrectly that they are a PMC, given the sometimes publicized exploits of Mechtechnal Knights. Who often moonlight as bounty hunters with devastating effect.

Towards the end of his career, Galfick became convinced that enemies of the UEE would be the most likely to unleash the feared doomsday potential of FTL artifacts. Realizing that no squad of warriors no matter how well armed could ever hope to successfully search for artifacts in hostile enemy space, and thus mitigate such a threat. Galfick’s largest and certainly most ambitious project was the construction of a stealth carrier capable of extended missions into hostile territory. Though designed solely to be an undetectable refueling and maintenance platform for stealth scout ships; the carrier’s super weapon class main gun, designed by Galfick himself, was rumored to be powerful enough to cripple any capital ship with a single salvo, when fired from a sufficiently close range. Like the artifacts it was constructed to find, the specifications of the Mechtechnal’s stealth carrier is a closely guarded secret. This has caused notable tension between the Mechtechnal and the UEE, who often suspect that scanner anomalies in sensitive areas are attributable to the Mechtechnal.

Continuing its mission with legacy funds from Galfick Mechtechnal’s fortune and revenue from his arms company, which is now formally owned by the Mechtechnal Society. The Mechtechnal are currently in a state of rebuild after the majority of its membership, including all but one of the famed Mechtechnal Knights, were lost when fighting for control of what is now know as the Hadesian Artifact. Eager to secure control of the artifact after initial reports of its discovery by Tonya Oriel; the Mechtechnal forces deployed to secure the Artifact were ambushed by a rival faction.

A brutal battle with heavy casualties on both sides the; the Mechtechnal suffered the majority of their losses when their stealth carrier was destroyed by an inexplicable internal explosion. It is unclear from the damaged black box if the Hadesian Artifact was onboard the carrier at the time of the explosion.

How the Hadesian Artifact then ended up on the black market is still as yet unknown. However, as feared the considerable press produced by the Hadesian Artifact has created a rush of explores setting out to find similar artifacts. Therefore, due to it’s now greatly dismissed personnel & resources, and the significantly increased chance of third parties finding artifacts. The Mechtechnal Society has decided that the time has come for it to abandon its near shadow group MO, and is currently seeking to become more actively involved in interstellar affairs.



  • Artifact Hunting
  • Righteous Combat
  • Explorers/Salvagers Militia
  • Player Developed Content

Primary Mission:
The Mechtechnal Artifact Securement Society is an artifact hunting and preservation organization. Believing that ancient star fairing galactic civilizations both developed true FTL drives, and then obliterated themselves with the technology. The Mechtechnal are above all else devoted to finding artifacts from these dead civilizations; least they contain the secrets to creating FTL drives and fall into the hands of those who might unleash the technologies feared apocalyptic potential.

High Impact Combat:
However, given the relative rarity of such artifacts, the Mechtechnal Society is dedicated to more than just artifact securement. Most notably the organization’s elite warriors, known as Mechtechnal Knights, armed with the latest and greatest weapons from the Mechtechnal’s affiliated weapons manufacture; routinely engage in high-risk high-reward mercenary operations, provided the cause is just.

Defending Explorers:
Though more importantly the Mechtechnal operate as a salvagers militia and have a strict keep-what-you-find policy, for all non artifacts. This allows salvagers/explorers who are the most likely to find high value items of interest, such as salvageable capital ships, but are the least capable of defending them from pirates and claim jumpers. To be able to secure their finds, without the fame of said discoveries being diminished by calling in organization reinforcements.

Engineering a Better Verse:
More than just exploration and combat, the Mechtechnal Society seeks to become a leader in player developed content found in the Star Citizen universe. With design projects ranging from scripting mini-campaigns to designing and initializing the perfect ship to pair with a Hotas Warthog joystick. Additionally, looking to control the in-game production cycle of all items designed, members who contribute to these projects will be granted applicable royalties from the in-verse sale of items they help design and develop.

Everyday goals
1. Find & secure artifacts of now dead galactic civilizations and resources valuable to finding said artifacts. Often this will be achieved with organized artifact hunts.

2. Study recovered artifacts to determine if they do indeed possess the secrets to creating FTL drives, and also infiltrate other organizations that have secured artifacts to covertly study them.

3. Provide for the common defense of members engaged in salvaging/exploring, least their finds be highjacked by heavily armed claim jumpers.

4. Be a force for good that seeks to eradicate Vanduul, Pirates, and other such scum in the Verse. Bullets and ships do cost credits however, and mercenary assignments will be encouraged, if not outright promoted, by the organization.

5. When necessary engage in cloak and dagger tactics, if not outright war, to secure artifacts in possession of rival factions suspected to be FTL relevant.

Long term goals
1. Create a museum.
Showcasing the Mechtechnal orginzation’s finds both artifact, and other items of significant interest. The museum project will be both constantly ongoing, once the preliminary design is put in place, and open for all star citizens to see. Non organization members will be charged an entrance fee to see the museum; and organization members who contribute exhibits to the museum will get a percentage of said entrance fee.

2. Vanduul Shredder Shotgun.
Know primarily for its high-impact weapons, the Mechtechnal’s affiliated arms manufacturing company is seeking to create a double barrel dual magazine combat shotgun whereby each barrel is fed from a different magazine. Able to quickly adapt to any combat situation thanks to the two different types of magnum 12guage shells it can fire at once; the Vanduul Shredder promises to make short work of heavily armored elite Vanduul raiders. Organization members who contribute to the Vanduul Shredder project will get a percentage of the sales royalty corresponding to their level of work contributed.

3. Develop high impact and stealth kill weapons.
Know for devolving an oxymoronic weapons line of either hard-hitting or extremely silent weapons not sold to the general public. The weapons manufacturing branch of the Mechtechnal is seeking to expand its weapons inventory and begin selling certain variants of its products to the general public. organization members who help develop weapons will be given a royalty for each weapon sold.

4. Rebuild the Mechtechnal stealth carrier.
The recent loss of the Mechtechnal’s stealth carrier has severely hindered the organization’s ability to search for artifacts, and other items of significant interest, in enemy space. Organization members who contribute to building a new stealth carrier will be allowed to use it for approved missions.

5. Create a mini Squadron 42 type campaign.
By its nature Squadron 42 will be an excellent way to learn how to become a good pilots in the PU, but will not necessarily teach players how to become good combat mercenaries. Looking to fill that gap with a mini-campaign that will focus almost exclusively on ground combat tactics, this campaign when complete will server as the entry story/training for those seeking to become Mechtechnal Knights. Organization members who contribute to this mini-campaign effort will get automatic Mechtechnal Knight status, granted to any player characters they chose, and other TBA benefits.

6. Develop the A-100 hybrid strike fighter. Originally designed as a single person ground attack craft capable of eliminating Vanduul Harvester’s with extreme prejudice. The A-100 hybrid strike fighter was ultimately rejected by UEE bureaucracy, who thought it’s resemblance to the tried and true 20th century A-10 attack craft automatically made the design severely outdated.

Mechtechnal analyst having previously identified a need for a rugged atmospheric fighter capable of pinpoint close support ground strikes; in order to protect ground forces engaged in artifact recovery from air and ground threats alike. The Mechtechnal Society surreptitiously acquired the rejected A-100 schematics.

Applying the latest 28th century technologies to the A-100 design, Mechtechnal engineers have successfully modified the design into an atmospheric superiority fighter that packs a punch capable of taking out all known armored ground targets. While the moment-of-inertia created by the full length wings needed for making the A-100 an atmospheric superiority fighter does limits the top end maneuverability while space bound. The proposed A-100 design makes up for it with superior survivability.

organization members who contribute to developing the A-100 will not only receive one for free, in addition to sales royalties, but also complementary lifetime use of all future A-100s variants in the Mechtechnal’s fleet.


Membership Levels & perks:

Associate Member
The base level member, Mechtechnal Associates are free to purse whatever lawful aims they wish, and call on available organization reinforcements to help secure valuable finds they come might across. The one caveat is that Associates are expected to join in periodic artifact hunts.

Artifact Hunter
More devoted than Associates, Artifact Hunters are members focused solely on finding and studying artifacts. Able to orchestrate periodic artifact hunts with organization personnel and resources they are expected to put in the time and effort to properly excavate and study any artifacts found. Artifact Hunters additionally have priority access to organization reinforcements for securing valuable finds.

The elite warriors of the Mechtechnal, Knights have exclusive access to top-end arms from the Mechtechnal’s arms manufacturing company. More than just warriors however, Knights are expected to be moral paragons and abide by a certain honor code. Most of all, Mechtechnal Knights are expected to fight to the last warrior to secure artifacts suspected of being FTL relevant.

In it for designing some of the best weapons, ships, and/or mini-campaigns in the verse. Engineers could care less about exploring, combat, honor…ect and are simply in it for the royalty checks. Any Mechtechnal member can be part of design projects and get the corresponding rewards, but only Engineers wont be asked to do anything else.

Main Charter:
Article 1: Any Mechtechnal organization member is able to call on available reinforcements to secure non artifact valuable finds while keeping strict ownership of the find. Though since bullets and ships do cost credits, members who routinely do not compensate their help may find that reinforcements don’t show up when they need them most.

Article 2: Artifacts found by organization members are required to be temporarily turned over to the Mechtechnal Society so their technological significance can be determined. Should artifacts be found by non organization members, the use of infiltration to determine said artifacts technological significance is expressly sanctioned.

Article 3: In the event artifacts suspected of containing any relevance to FTL drives are discovered to be in the possession of rival hands; Artifact Hunters and Knights are expect to engage in the recovery these artifact at ALL COSTS least the technologies feared apocalyptic potential be released.

Article 4: Given the rarity of artifacts, organization members are advised to have dual careers. Mechtechnal Knights, in particular, are encouraged to take bounty hunting assignments that fall within their honor code, in order to keep their skills sharp.

Article 5: Members may not engage in any kind of piracy or belong to an organization/syndicate that commonly practices piracy. Members found to be engaged in piracy or other equally heinous crimes will be summarily hunted down and executed by magnum firing squad.

Article 6: Members are expected to keep all Mechtechnal artifact discoveries, strictly confidential until such time as it is made public knowledge. Members found to be infiltrating the Mechtechnal so they can relay information about discoveries onto rival factions; will be excommunicated and have a bounty corresponding to their betrayal placed on them. High level traitors can additionally expect a squad of Mechtechnal Knights to hunt them to the ends of the verse.

Honor Code of the Mechtechnal Knights:
Fortitude of mind being equally necessary to success in combat as weapons and tactics Mechtechnal Knights are expected to abide by an honor code of moral conduct, in addition to adhering to all articles of the Mechtechnal’s main charter. Before they can be initiated and be eligible to receive access/training to use the top-end arms from the Mechtechnal Arms Company. Therefore, unless in an attempt to secure artifacts Mechtechnal Knights are expected to abide by the statutes of the following honor code at all times.

Statute 1: A Mechtechnal Knight must always be ready for combat and must thus always carry at least 2 weapons with them, or have them nearby, at all times; of which one should be silent and the other hard-hitting.

Statute 2: Be willing to come to the defense of those who cannot protect themselves, and thus be willing to interdict in any pirate/vanduul attack they happen upon.

Statute 3: Engage in fair commerce practices in general and never use their skills of deception/brute force as a means to manipulate barter.

Statute 4: Abide by the spirit if not the letter of all in-system laws of the UEE and other free societies. The caveat of carrying weapons into “weapon free” zones is of course permitted.

Statute 5: When infiltrating lawful organizations to determine the technological significance of any artifacts they might possesses, Mechtechnal Knights are expected to abide by the rules/customs of said lawful organizations, and only steal artifacts if they are deemed to be FTL relevant.

Statute 6: Mechtechnal Knights are to show politeness to those who heckle them, honesty to those who lie to them, benevolence to those who have betrayed them, and overwhelming firepower to those who would do them harm.

Statute 7: Above all else, when in doubt, to always get a bigger gun.