The Artemis Initiative / ARTINT

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

you found us before we found you


The Initiative is composed of several divisions. Each division is responsible for their own choices and does not make choices in the name of the entire org.
The leadership of Artemis is built from the heads from all divisions to create the Artemis board. The board selects a central commander in chief to handle the day-to-day or operations, plans events, helps recruit, and facilitates external org diplomaty. The commander in chief is to answer the board in all org wide matters.
The commanding heads of Artemis are to handle their division specialties, such as training recruits interested in their field. Managing the operation if an org event is their category of specialty.
Each division of Artemis is run internally on their own as a group. This can be in a more militaristic way, or it can be more carefree. All divisions are to adhere to the general rules as passed from the general vote of the Artemis Initiative members.
The Artemis Initiative has a strictly defensive stance on war. War with other entities and organizations will only be if there is no other choice. In this event all Division heads and the commander in chief will operate as one United force with one cause.