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Anonymous Ship Buyers Club / ASB42

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Welcome to the Anonymous Ship Buyers Club, a dedicated support organization for the passionate – yet discreet – members of the Star Citizen community. Our mission is to provide a safe and confidential space for Star Citizens who find themselves spending excessive amounts of time and money on ships.


History of the Anonymous Ship Buyers Club (2012 – Present)
2012: The Birth of a Phenomenon
In 2012, the gaming world was introduced to an ambitious project that promised to revolutionize space simulation: Star Citizen. Developed by Cloud Imperium Games and spearheaded by Chris Roberts, Star Citizen quickly captured the imaginations of gamers worldwide. Its crowdfunding campaign became one of the most successful in history, raising millions of dollars through Kickstarter and its own website.

Amidst this fervor, a group of dedicated backers formed an informal collective known as the Anonymous Ship Buyers Club (ASBC). Initially, the ASBC was a small, tight-knit community of enthusiasts who pooled their resources to purchase ships within the game. These ships, which ranged from single-seaters to massive capital vessels, represented the ultimate expression of support and investment in the game’s vision.

2013-2015: Rapid Growth and Escalation
As Star Citizen’s development progressed, so did the ambitions of the ASBC. The group grew in size, attracting members from various backgrounds, united by their passion for the game and their willingness to invest significant amounts of money. The ASBC’s activities began to garner attention within the Star Citizen community as they collectively purchased some of the most expensive and rare ships available.

During this period, the ASBC’s members started to push the boundaries of what a gaming collective could achieve. Their influence grew as they began to acquire entire fleets, outfitting them with the best equipment and forming alliances with other groups within the game. This rapid growth, however, came with its own set of challenges, including managing the club’s finances and ensuring fair participation among members.

2016-2018: The Tipping Point
By 2016, the ASBC had become a significant force within the Star Citizen community. The club’s financial contributions to the game’s development were substantial, and their in-game assets were unmatched. However, this success came at a cost. Stories of members spending exorbitant amounts of money on virtual ships began to surface, raising concerns about the sustainability of such investments.

The ASBC’s activities began to draw criticism from both within and outside the Star Citizen community. Some accused the club of fostering a pay-to-win environment, while others questioned the ethics of encouraging large expenditures on virtual items. Despite these controversies, the ASBC continued to thrive, with members justifying their spending as a way to support the game’s development and secure their place in its future.

2019-2021: The Reckoning
The period between 2019 and 2021 marked a turning point for the ASBC. Several high-profile members publicly shared their experiences, revealing the personal and financial toll of their involvement with the club. Stories of debt, strained relationships, and financial ruin became increasingly common, prompting a broader conversation about the ethics of crowdfunding and the responsibilities of game developers towards their backers.

In response to these revelations, the ASBC underwent a significant transformation. The club implemented stricter membership guidelines, emphasizing responsible spending and mental health awareness. Cloud Imperium Games also introduced measures to promote transparency and protect their backers from excessive spending.

2022-Present: A New Era
In recent years, the ASBC has emerged as a more responsible and community-focused organization. The club now prioritizes education and support, helping members make informed decisions about their investments in Star Citizen. The ASBC has also expanded its activities beyond ship buying, engaging in community events, charity fundraisers, and collaborative projects within the game.

While the days of unchecked spending are largely behind them, the ASBC remains a testament to the passion and dedication of the Star Citizen community. Their journey reflects the broader evolution of crowdfunding in the gaming industry, highlighting both the potential and pitfalls of collective investment in virtual worlds. As Star Citizen continues to develop, the ASBC’s legacy serves as a reminder of the power of community and the importance of balancing enthusiasm with responsibility.


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