Asclepius Rescue Logistics / ASCRESC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Scouting

Asclepius Rescue Logistics: Always there


Our organization is looking to crack into the market of rescue for the entire verse. Founded in 2946, Asclepius Rescue Logistics is founded as a verse wide logistical network designed to support human rescue. With war looming on the horizon, our founder TitanOfEther looked to the services offered throughout the galaxy once his term of service was up as a UEE officer. With the possibility of government resources being stretched thin to keep the war effort up, he founded ASCRESC with a single Drake Cutlass Red and a strong desire to aid the less fortunate.

ASCRESC is a division of the NorthLand Association LLC


ASCRESC intends to provide rescue services and support for our clients, from government to civilian. We are able to provide logistical support to large rescue operations, fast responding medical transport for rescue services, and on-site triage to aid military and civilian disaster relief operations.


What is expected of our employees:
  • Respect is tantamount to success. All employees will respect each other as well as respect clients and potential clientele.
  • Policies laid out by the Board of Directors hold the force of law within the organization. All employees are expected to comply.
  • If Board policies create violations of UEE law, UEE law then supersedes policy.
  • All new board policies and policy amendments will be posted here in the charter of our organization to ensure maximum visibility

Policy Violation Protocol:
  • Depending on the severity of the violation, the Board of Directors may decide to forego steps
  • Employees will receive a formal verbal warning from their immediate supervisors upon their first violation of board policy
  • Employees will receive a written reprimand which will be forwarded to the Board of Directors upon their second violation
  • Employees will meet with the board of directors to decide appropriate punishment upon their third violation, wherein options such as termination, wage garnishment, and extra duty will be brought into question