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  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

We’re a well rounded organization that does most anything, from mining to bounty hunting even transport, rescue, or combat when hired to do so. We’re pretty laid back and just want to enjoy the experience of space in every way possible. This org. is light role play (you play how you wish).


Originally a group of nomads from Levski in the Nyx system, we left to escape the dying economy due to the rapid increase in criminal activity. Very quickly we realized we needed some sort of income in order to survive on our own. Then on, we start mining with an old Mole (one of four ships in we used to get out of Levski). The Mole had seen better day with only one of the three mining lasers working. It didn’t take very long for the last laser to give out on us. Not long after we resorted to more aggressive measures; using our other ships in conjunction with each other to earn our living. The three ships were a Reclaimer heavy salvage ship and two Sabre stealth fighters. We accepted bounties, using the stealth of the Sabres to get in and out unscathed; and the reclaimer to salvage targeted ships for extra income. Over time, our once small group grew and earned a name for itself, as more and more people requested our assistance. Thus Astéria Anávo Mazí was born. Anything from transports to assassinations; no matter the job, we will get it done.


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