• Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Resources

ASMBL is here to help. Whether it is a rescue, transport, security, scouting, or just an extra hand to mine, ASMBL will work together to put a dent in the ‘verse. The only requirements, for this rag tag org, is that you enjoy playing Star Citizen and are respectful of all kinds of players.


ASMBL is a small rag tag group of industrialists, pilots, mercs, privateers, and heroes. They met at a shawarma place in Area 18 and have been great friends ever since!


If we can’t save the ‘verse, you can be darn sure we’ll avenge it!

We are here to have fun. We enjoy all kinds of game play but generally lean towards lawful behavior.


We can do this all day! The ‘verse is harsh. Be helpful and stand up for what is right. We are inclusive of all kinds of players regardless of play style, ethnicity, age, sex, gender, or creed. Its just common sense. Be kind and respectful to everyone.