Astor Initiative / ASTOR

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Freelancing

We are a non-exclusive consortium of players connecting members with other reputable players for various endeavors within Star Citizen.

Your reputation is built solely on feedback from those you had previously grouped with in the game.

Astor Initiative


Star Citizen brings with it new gaming and logistical challenges which require a modern approach to group associations. These challenges include:
  • No game mechanics defining player controlled space
  • No NPC guardians that instantly appear to protect you.
  • No clone jumping or instant travel by teleporting between areas.
  • Most ships require multiple players to operate efficiently.
  • If you go out on a group activity in a ship, you are all stuck in that ship until the group decides to end it.
  • If someone on the ship has to go AFK for a few minutes, everyone else has to either wait, or go on without you.
  • If you dock at a station (or log out in ship), you may very well find yourself alone the next time you log back in.

The Astor Initiative is intended to provide you with a centralized location to seek other players to connect with. You decide if their reputation warrants trust, and that reputation is built by feedback from past player associations around in-game activities.



Greedy, Cowardly, Depraved, Generous, Courageous, Virtuous


As we began to explore and colonize this immense galaxy, we have brought with us all the glorious and horrid traits of humanity along for the ride.

No matter the result, we have always moved forward. Where the Hadesians chose self-annihilation over compromise, we humans kept our options open, but always destined to spread forth across the galaxy. That is, until we met the Vanduul.

Like the Tevarin, the Vanduul have chosen violence and annihilation when engaging with us. Like the Hadesians, they will be defeated. Not just through the use of a weapon, but through the combined might of our humanity, our diversity, our adaptability.

Which is why the Astor Initiative was formed.

The Astor Initiative believes that mega-organizations limit human initiative. Humans are at their best when they are allowed to set their own goals and measurements of success. When they work together toward a common goal and then dispersing when that goal is completed. Regardless of what specialization they bring to the effort. Regardless of what they decide to do afterwards.

As such, the Astor Initiative does not have a traditional organizational structure. There is no boss, no all powerful board of directors, and no permanent assignment of your worth. When players come together to perform a task, they decide who will lead, who will follow, and what determines success.

Your group will decide how to split profit and loss. Your group decides when to push through a mission or whether it’s best to walk away. Your future participation is based solely on your reputation. Not someone with a title. Not someone who wasn’t there. Not someone who brought the biggest gun. Only what you brought and contributed to the group you were part of.

Join us for a new approach to galactic living. Join the Astor Initiative.


The galaxy is a dangerous place and crews will inevitably run into conflict with other players and possibly other A.I. members. As a group, we recognize that conflict is inevitable and comes in many different forms. While we do not condone piracy, we also have no bylaws prohibiting the activity. Our only rule is that you are up front with members who join you on an activity regarding what the activity will entail. Our purpose is to allow members to more easily find someone to play the game with, not what that play entails. We allow players to rank each other so that players who get pleasure out of griefing friendlies will soon find themselves without a group to play with.

  • We are a non-exclusive membership organization.
  • Membership is broken into several levels, based on how much feedback you have received from others. The one exception is the highest level, Founder.
  • Members who receive a significant amount of negative feedback will be kicked from the Astor Initiative.
  • You are limited in how often you can provide feedback on a player.