Leviathan Corporation / ASYMWAR

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.
-James Cash Penney

There is an inverse relationship between reliance on the state and self-reliance.
-William F. Buckley, Jr.

Independence is happiness.
-Susan B. Anthony



“Boldy crossing the event horizon into darkness.” The Leviathan Corporation has its humble beginnings as a UEE defense contractor rising to the occasion by providing intelligence services, and later Asymmetric Warfare services, throughout the Tevarin Wars. With Intelligence Operations being the foundation for our success, information remains a top priority. The military spirit born from those wars carries on today as Leviathan’s ambition and unrelenting desire to innovate grew too large for just one world. Applying the skills gleaned from conflicts in the service of governments, NGOs, and interest groups throughout emerging worlds; Leviathan has carved a unique role for itself in the galaxy as a friend to all, always trustworthy, and never personal. While typically accused of maintaining Chaotic Neutral and Neutral Evil operational policies and practices by critics, Leviathan has never once failed to uphold the obligations demanded of it by members, clients, and governments. With a foot on both sides of the law, Leviathan takes immense pride in a reputation that treaded the event horizon where capitalism and lawlessness coexist. A nebulous part of space clients and governments dare not go, yet always appreciate that we do.


“Now a federated, decentralized system of free associations, incorporating economic as well as other social institutions; it seems to me that this is the appropriate form of social organization for an advanced technological society in which human beings do not have to be forced into the position of tools, of cogs in the machine. There is no longer any social necessity for human beings to be treated as mechanical elements in the productive process; that can be overcome and we must overcome it to be a society of freedom and free association, in which the creative urge that I consider intrinsic to human nature will in fact be able to realize itself in whatever way it will.”
-Noam Chomsky

The Leviathan philosophy is rooted in galactic conquest through freedom, innovation, and a common vision of corporate preeminence over governments in the galaxy. The strength of an empire with the adaptability of a corporate deity. Innovation and profit should never be compromised for morality. All known galactic powers impose their own laws in an effort to construct their own version of what order should look like while casting aside competing ideological threats to said order, often hypocritically. The Leviathan Corporation was born in the fog of war, imbued with the uniquely human ambition to create a galactic order all its own, disregarding the existing order to the degree necessary to yield a profit and shape the galaxy.


The Leviathan Corporation practices a Laissez-faire organizational management structure, stemming from the French expression meaning “to not interfere with the affairs of others.” This structure is commonly seen in team management where various teams are created and given specific tasks to accomplish. Each team is empowered to make their own decisions and choose the process they want to use in accomplishing tasks. The manager does not observe or participate in the team’s process but leaves the teams to work through the objective on their own. Division managers will have corporate goals and benchmarks to be working towards, inviting all members to exercise their free will to participate in achieving these ends.

-A nominal tax on members for the maintenance and upgrades of the corporate fleet as well as new acquisitions. All rates are subject to change based on loyalty and role.
-Accumulating corporate assets to allow for member use is a top priority, as such activities will yield returns allowing for the growth of our fleet capabilities.
-Large goals can and will be submitted by members and voted on to determine the general direction the corporation can be collectively working towards with the resources we have at our disposal OR all members can independently coordinate and do what they want with the corporation acting as a framework allowing a means to the member’s end as long as a profit can be returned. -As long as the member and the corporation profit, everyone is content.
-Some kind of scheduling and or member contact roster will be created to allow for coordination if necessary and possible 3rd party software will assist in the management of member/corporate assets, goals, and scheduling tasks, accessible to all members.
-The “Corporate Fleet” will become available to all members after a certain time period or amount contributed to the Corp, whichever is made available for tracking purposes. In addition should a member transfer ownership of their base spacecraft for either community use or melting to fund procurement and upgrades, they will immediately be granted access to the available fleet within their Division.
-Amount contributed by members initially will cover the basic costs of refitting the craft should it be destroyed and replaced with a base model. The idea is to make money and preserve the fleet’s effectiveness while not giving rogue players an opportunity to destroy expensive spacecraft and flee.
-Should the spacecraft be destroyed members will temporarily lose access rights to most or all of the fleet until the base member time period or amount is accumulated/replenished.
-This may occur on a case by case basis and is not absolute, as having access to certain ships may allow for faster and more effective money-making should a particular craft be necessary.
-Depending on the opportunity, access to otherwise off-limits craft can be authorized by appealing to Division management.

-Primary goal is profit through production, R&D, services, and fringe space exploration, all of which will be secured by the MSR Division.
-Secondary goal is to acquire enough assets to make the first goal easily if not progressively achievable while minimizing losses.
-Giving members the tools they need to get the job done right the first time and always is a huge concern as it helps them be successful and helps the corp be profitable.
-Offering up a personal or acquired craft to become a corp asset grants additional perks/forgiveness/tax reductions.
-All craft acquired using corporate assets SHOULD become a corp asset/property (if not rewarded for the acquisition), as the end goal is to benefit all members with plentiful options and revenue, freeing them from the burdens of upgrades and maintenance, to pursue their goals. However, people will be people. Ideally, should a member wish to keep the asset, management can be petitioned for negotiations, possibly a purchase price reduction to 40-50% of the market price.
-Leviathan Corp is not predisposed to tyranny or draconian control, in fact, the corporate philosophy is rooted in independence and freedom. However human beings will continue to be human and checks must exist to preserve the integrity of the corporation and member independence from rogues that would wish to take advantage of the existing freedom the idealized framework offers. The honor system only works with those who prove they can be trusted.
-You will never be removed from the corporation due to inactivity issues. We understand everyone has different priorities. Period.
-The Leviathan Corporation thrives on professionalism and rational adult conduct between everyone involved, even that of the illicit nature. There is no compromise that cannot be reached in the interest of avoiding drama, while also not becoming beholden to it.

Operational Structure
-CEO Triumvirate (Highest Authority) management takes a back seat role in the company providing direction/intervention when needed, employees are allowed to let their own ideas and creativity flourish in their specific areas of interest and skill, with management being available for assistance. The manager should be looked upon as more of a counselor and organizer than a leader.
-Board of Directors, each with a Division to oversee, and subordinate management/officers they are free to appoint at their discretion, if not by board approval.
-Ranks are not important, freedom and free will, however, are. If members are inclined to become part of management, after a brief vetting process, they are welcome to do so.
-Autonomy is applauded and encouraged at all levels, in all things.
-All divisions are encouraged to coordinate and schedule with one another to achieve their goals with corporate members acting as an available pool to achieve mutual ends and utilize proprietary skills in-house.
-Some kind of scheduling system will be adopted to highlight player time zones and future division needs/goals.
-The needs of members will be regularly surveyed to discover gaps in capability and fill them appropriately and efficiently.

Leviathan Exploration Division
-Search for profitable relics, resources, locations, and information.
-All extremely time-sensitive and profitable information should ideally be shared with Division management to allow for allocation and organization of maximum resources, however self-organizing through in-house networking is highly encouraged. -May need to work with RDiv but coordinate with MSRDiv for potential security issues.

Leviathan Military/Security/Rescue Division
-Conducts offensive and defensive operations for clients and in-house operations, in addition to unscheduled bounty hunting, craft acquisition opportunities, and rescue operations.
-Will likely be the largest, most expensive, and possibly most overstretched division as every division requires security in one form or another.
-Will have the largest initial fleet investment.
-ISR/special operations will also be conducted as directed by the CEO Triumvirate.

Leviathan Research Division
-Conducts research to improve products, services, and operational development.
-May work closely with ExDiv/IndDiv to take advantage of emerging information or deep space operations.
-Fueling the development of arms production.

Leviathan Logistics Division
-Conducts shipping/transportation/cargo operations for clients and in-house operations. -May work closely with MSRDiv/IndDiv/ExDiv.

Leviathan Industrial Division
-Responsible for setting up Node clusters to control the means of production in as many locations as possible throughout the galaxy as a top priority. -Will work closely with management for node support and development.
-Conducts mining, factory, refinement, and production activities.
-Will also be heavily involved with RDiv to achieve advanced manufacturing capabilities. -May work closely with MSRDiv/LogDiv/ExDiv.
