Atlas Corp / ATLAS

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Security

Welcome to Atlas Corp! Feel free to check out our teampeak, !


we came together as 5 members in August of 2013 since then we have found new members who enjoy a fun time. we recently opened up an ArmA 3 life server while maintaining a milsim server. we plan to expand into the verse and make a name for ourselves! we also play many other games join and play with us while waiting for the greatest game of all times!!!


We strive to excel in every industry we work in, and to make our labor more efficient and cost effective. We are dedicated to the cause of making sure our member are well cared for and well treated for. We will trade and mine while protecting the trade routes. We shall bring a quality that not many others can match. we are tight knit and growing due to the absolute fun we have playing together.

we do not accept piracy nor tolerate it.

We are highly trained in all fields of both economics and military tactics ready to confront any situation.

We plan to head out into space and carve up a piece of the pie for Atlas join us and share in the pie.

We’d like to follow that procedure for supporters of UNN News

We support the UNN NEWS Association

We are always looking for allies and friends to join in glory as we head into the verse and players from all around the world are welcome


We are a multi-faceted company that has the primary focus of making the game more enjoyable through several divisions that fits the needs of the many. We have a goal of becoming self-sufficient as soon as possible. If you would like to join us all you have to do is merely pick a division and contact the division chair. Have fun and we hope to see you soon!

  • Management Division:
    The Management Division’s mission is to provide direction for the company. They are in charge of analyzing the markets, sending out explorations, and overclocking ship systems to help the company operate in an a more efficient manner. We often evaluate the company by joining assisting operations in other divisions. If you are interested in this line of work, feel free to contact the division chair members, Mathis or Captain James.
  • Military Division:
    The Military Division’s designation is to protect and serve. We are comprised of highly trained fighter pilots that protect the shipping freighters and the miners from the industrial division; however, we also fly combat missions if needed. If manning battleships is something that interests you, contact the chair member, TheBallZ and Deathlord.
  • Industrial Division:
    The Industrial Division’s objective is to produce raw materials and manufactured goods for the population of Star Citizen. Whether it is guns and ammunition or parts for ships, we produce the goods needed and sell them for a modest profit. As the main source of income for the company; profit is everything. If you are interested in making UEC for Atlas Corporation by mining, running freight, or selling produced items to pilots across the Star Citizen Universe please contact one of the chair members, Bebop


1. No severe griefing of fellow members….Were not always serious but somethings can go too far.

2. Real life comes first

3. follow the chain of command

4. Have fun