... / ATLBC

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Engineering

Omissions leave actions inscrutable without context. Context is the key.


“Take a deep breath, everyone. We earned this satisfaction. We emerged victorious over those that underestimated us. These parasites never understood that our power was not in ships and weapons of war, but in our right to author our own destiny. We will not be crushed by the small minded. We have grander plans for this galaxy.

Take a deep breath, but do not exhale. Our ascent is just beginning.”

-Commander Ivar Messer
Spoken to the fleet shortly after the Tevarin surrender in 2546, as reported by Captain Eliot Weyland

% Star map banner by Selbie %


Ellipsis aspires to a grand design. A mystery to delight ourselves in the creation and entertain citizens in the experience. The individual pieces are meaningless, but with context emerges a master plan.


These rules ye shall abide:

  1. Fun, yet not at other’s expense.
  2. Aspire to the plan.
  3. Do not spoil it for others.