Hellstone Drifter / AUBERGE

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

I’m glad you’ve made it here. This so-called organization is planned to be a circle of adventurers who roam the galaxy and try to make a good living in this world. Main purpose of it is to always have some people behind you who can help in a time of need.
a bunch of space cowboys basically


Join our discord for help and co-op: https://discord.gg/VwbRWW6

The Universe is young and so is this place, join and let’s add something to this tab |

new ally: WolfXemo
new member: Ransaq
new member: Astrologicus
new member: morphousXkronos
new ally: Jevins
new ally: BL4ZED
new member: IROBO
new member: billykitty
new member: PhazerF0X
new ally: Luckychrmz
new member: RocketCowboy
new member: Zawl
new member: Iron_Silk
new member: CaptianDeadpool
new member: Frynos
new member: WaypocJaypec
new member: Murktide
new member: Stardestroyer19
new member: MrHills
new ally: MaxTheTurtle
new member: SimonBeatSown
new member: Erebos_Zephyros
new member: Sophilo
new member: DarthVadder501
new ally: FlJaeger
new member: Dz1rt
new member: Dombinio
new ally: Weavejobs
new member: ProXXy58751
new ally: Incensum
new member: Silvandre
new member: Hidden_Dragon
new ally: CJ-Polaris1
new ally: Zave
new member: Voldrepr06

our discord server was created: https://discord.gg/VwbRWW6

new member: Max_Salvo
new member: Forgottonshininobi
new ally: WolfXWK
new member: Shadowman1963
new member: MXL
new member: Rafeeky
new member: F0rtytwo
new member: Benewah
new ally: Ohimit
new member: Rolledapple
new member: Dnath
new member: Baerzilla
new ally: Easy-Ace
new ally: Momotaro1138
new member: Julianisgay

Mamontain founded Hellstone Drifter

Our discord server: https://discord.gg/VwbRWW6 | download ‘discord’ for free: https://discordapp.com
join it for minor announcements, useful guides and co-op sessions.

If you are a member and you want to reach out to others outside the discord, press the ‘chat’ tab under the org’s title and choose ‘Auberge’ .


You probably were invited by me and since you’ve made it this far – (start reading in excited voice) you are somewhat interested! Wow, what a success!
Now, you can find the actual manifesto in the introduction message, but in case you expected more information – I want this to be a union of freelancing wannabes, something more reliable than global comm chat but not on the level of trusty companion or huge corporation’s low-rank who received an order from his supervisor to go save your ass.

Of course, as the game’s development will keep progressing, our structure will do so as well. New ways of communication, new ranking system, perhaps even advanced in-org roles. But for now, we keep it simple: short but stylish main page, helpful environment and active discord server.


Page Under Construction. Please check back soon! (at least it’s not something like “who’s asking?” and by now you’ve probably understood basic rules of any organization)

you could also join our discord channel: https://discord.gg/VwbRWW6 , you know, for fun stuff