Azure Twilight / AZTWILIGHT

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration



Greetings Citizen, and Welcome to the home of Azure Twilight.

Founded in 2003 Azure Twilight began it’s journey in Sony Online Entertainments MMOFPS PlanetSide and then onto Planetside2 and now we are here to bring our core values to Star Citizen to play respectfully and work as team for whatever goals we set forth.

Since then Azure Twilight has recognized the changing shift in the gaming industry and the demand for versatility among consumers, developers and gamers alike. Since January 2014 Azure Twilight has branched out into a multi-gaming community that seeks to enjoy any game our members take part in as long as they follow the primary tenants we were founded on: Respect, Teamwork and Fun!

In Star Citizen we are looking for individuals who seek progression through our three primary tenants list above.

Respect: We personify the virtue of respect throughout our community, respect encompasses those both internal and external to Azure Twilight.

Teamwork: As a community we strive to work together towards common goals, in game progression and camaraderie to all our members regardless of rank.

Fun: Most importantly we look for fun, mature individuals to enjoy gaming with.

So if you feel you can check all 3 boxes, if you feel you’d like to add to our community and become a part of Azure Twilight simply apply here or head on over to our official website at Azure

- Out


Azure Twilight has always been more than just an in-game outfit, we pride ourselves on being a opening and welcoming gaming community. Please take a few minutes to register on our forums and checkout our Social Media pages:

Find us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
Watch us on
Play with us on Steam

We have an assortment of ships between our members, spanning from the Aurora to the Freelancer. We also boast a collection of other ships but they are need to know!


Core Principles

There are two core principles that guide Azure Twilight in everything we do:

1. Respect

AT is build on respect and we take it very seriously. AT Members are required to respect all players regardless of their organization, or citizenship and or faction. Our goal is to make Star Citizen a better place for everyone. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
No Team Killing. TKing will not be tolerated. Period.
No profanity in in-game chat (all channels), on Teamspeak, or the forums (AT or Star Citizen) or on any other websites affiliated with other games Azure Twilight plays on.
We strongly believe that all Azure Twilight members should be a positive role model across the Star Citizen community.

2. Teamwork

Azure Twilight is all about Teamwork. This means that we work as a tight, cohesive group. The more we work together, the better you will get to know your teammates and the more fun you will have. This is why Azure Twilight has been the most successful, longest-lived clan from games Planetside, Planetside 2 and etc. All members are expected to be on TeamSpeak3, follow orders, and run with the group. We work as one team at all times. If teamwork is not what you are looking for, you are in the wrong clan.

3. Fun

By far the most important aspect for any gaming community or organization to endorse and be. We pride ourselves on being a fun, inclusive environment for all our members regardless of their rank. Whether you’re a casual gamer, or a hardcore enthusiast doesn’t matter. We’re all in this together and our objective above all else is always: Fun.

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress… Working together is success!