Band of Anarchy / B4ND

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing

Only in Anarchy do you have true freedom. Let not the illusions nor allure of the path set by your “betters” guide your feet as you and only you can control your destiny. The path to greatness cannot be achieved by following someone else’s footsteps; we walk a path untaken and we WILL find greatness


It was a cold harsh morning on Auraxis, 2013AD. There had been bickering amongst the high leadership of a dying clan. Whatever we thought; we are here to fight. We ignored the drama and led masses of soldiers to victory, and defeat. Learning from every success and every failure. It was this fateful cold morning that we awoke to the shambles of that drama. The clan had been destroyed and all members removed. Two factions within the upper leadership demanded; JOIN MY SIDE OR PERISH!! We chose option C. On that day we formed our own clan. Band of Anarchy. Within a month we had 500 members. Within a year we had near 1000. We participated in massive events and even helped set a world record among many other outfits. Over the years we grew to value quality. We grew to value coordination and cooperation. Competition and intensity. We sought a balance between competitive play and casual fun play. We became one of the most well known groups within planetside 2. But alas all good things fade; and as planetside 2 itself faded so did our numbers. Today we have a very core group of leaders and family; ready to grow again. We are ready to tra sfer our skill and knowledge and coordination into this new galaxy full of wonders yet unexplored. We are the Band of Anarchy


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