Bad Order / BADORDER

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

BAD ORDER is an exclusive autonomous freelance organization.

“Contracts our members take are backed by the entire organization. So is our promise to hunt down welshers.”


BAD ORDER was created by the surviving victims of a human smuggling trade. The victims and their families maintain the organization both for self-preservation and as a memorial to the three brave individuals who saved them. BAD ORDER was created shortly after the death of Tylor, the last living rescuer. BAD ORDER operations from 2915 until present have been largely undocumented. The history of the organization has, to this point, been unwritten. Most members have worked autonomously from one another, and find their skills (modesty and discretion) most desired in less regulated and documented space.

With the second generation of BAD ORDER taking over, there is less distrust in the UEE and regulated space. More affiliation with other like-minded organizations is also taking place as BAD ORDER’s newer pilots are taking on larger challenges and fleet operations. With the present crop of members mostly trained in the UEE military, BAD ORDER is literally opening an entirely new chapter in its existence.

Real Life History

BAD ORDER is a group of coworkers, family, and real life friends that share a passion for gaming. Our gaming experience stretches back into the late 80s. BAD ORDER was created in November 2013, but the group itself has existed in some form or another since EverQuest Ruins of Kunark (Summer 2000).

BAD ORDER Facebook page


Our Captain’s bond is our bond.

Our mission is to act as a force multiplier for our Captains. We strive to be a resource our Captains can use to provide bona fides, expedite contracts, and mediate issues.

We will entertain any contracts that do not conflict with common sense, morals, or laws of any systems traveled through for said contracts.

BAD ORDER retains the rights to any and all data on our Captains at all times regardless of contracts.

Actions taken against our Captains are considered actions against BAD ORDER itself.



  • Ethical commerce. That is all.
  • Any games, drama, or other sort of cute BS will cost you.
  • Do what you want, just keep it clean and profitable.
  • If you need us we will be there. If we can’t bleed an offender, we can pay someone who can.
  • Help your fellow Captains. It may be you needing help someday.
  • We deal with any race, government, organization, or following as long as they are shiny on the morals, ethics, and credits.