Welcome to The Banter Squad!
If you’re looking for some TOP NOTCH BANTERâ„¢, then look no further; this is the place for you!
In the beginning there was only darkness.
And then the lord God looked down upon thee, and said,
And he saw that it was good.
Our mission here is to both demolish walls as well as build them. We’re out to annex Crimea and Ukraine, and we’re all for voting Hugh Mungus in as president.
When Richard Dawkins first coined the term in his famous book ‘The Cod Gonclusion’, he set ablaze a fire that would destroy all in its path. Nothing would be safe, not even the internet itself.
And so we here, these intrepid explorers of the stars, these bearers of of the meme, we dedicate ourselves to the ideal of spreading Joy and Wonder upon the world…
In the form of a crappy 500 pixel .gif.