• Faith
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Social

Hello! We are a meta-org specifically supporting the networking & social needs of Star Citizens of the Dallas/FortWorth & general North Texas region:) If you’re local, or close enough to make the trip down to our monthly get togethers, don’t hesitate to join us here & on spectrum! BarCitizen4lyfe!:D


Established in 2946, BarCitizenDFW is coordinated by a round table of local Citizens who choose to volunteer time and energy to insure the community has a monthly outlet for Citizens to catch a pint, some food, and nerd out about Star Citizen.

Current Coordinators Include:
Zunthras, Dicefailure, ButeoHunter

Though, to be fair, our entire membership is a part of making our events a success. Whether bringing a little extra to the occasional potluck to share, or helping locate different bars or venues in their areas for potential events. And of course, everyone’s efforts to make the trip out to whatever location we have dialed in for the month.

We do our best to find new locations that bounce around the DFW Metroplex so that no one is always at a disadvantage to make it out. And consistently held monthly events has meant members always know there will be something coming up. In addition, we host some gaming get togethers centered more around boardgaming, mini painting and other hobbies/crafts that are largely comprised of Citizens specifically to create more than just a bar atmosphere for socializing and building friendships that will extend into the game and for the years to come.

So far, it’s been great:) We’ve met a ton of new people, and already started to see regulars who make it out every time. We’ve held a few raffles and given away a fair boatload of SC swag, and we’re always nerding over new ways to put into the community pot to keep things interesting.

Catch us on spectrum, or join us here. If you’d like to be updated on current event details, please contact us at and we’ll add you to our event mailing list. Additionally, our events both future and past are always listed on

From the BarCitizenDFW Team, we hope to see you soon! Fly wild, space cowboy!


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


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