Chiken Confederation / BAWK

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling


In The Beginning…

The Chiken Confederation was started by InfinityChiken in the Total Annihilation days (1997-1998?) with Dragit and GangstarChiken. There was some big discussion about organized team play in T.A. and Infinity made the Chiken Confederation more as a joke and to poke fun at some of the, WAY TOO serious, clans he encountered, with ranks and rules and such. He recruited a few players who were not afraid to be called Chikens to play in a loosely organized group and the coup was born.

A New Home World

When Homeworld arrived in 1998-99 the CC moved to HW. Gangstar was dropped for being an ass. When the CC moved to HW, infinity quickly started to recruit some good, fun players who weren’t afraid to be called CHIKEN. Guys like Admiral_Kelly, Fingerfox, DarkDAVE and Tailguner were added to the ranks.

The Chikens first played loads off 1vs1’s and team games before learning about certain LADDER LEAGUE websites where u could fight for personal glory and cookies. These included Clanladder, Casesladder and Starlance League (RSL). For reason unknown, the CC joined the Starlance league ladder, which consisted of about 40-50 players.

During the following weeks the Chikens played a lot of ladder matches and reached top 10 spots very fast. The top places back then we’re taken by armadas like House Benelux (RSL worked with houses, instead of armadas), Chiken Confederation and a small House/Armada called Solaris Pulsare (SP). Although the Chikens never reached the #1 spot, that honor was taken by a Belgian player know as Dukath from the Armada / House Benelux, they did have 3-4 players in the top 10.

But after awhile Starlance started to show signs of lack of administration and loss of members. So the CC started looking for another ladder league to conquer. So, when Casesladder got big, they moved to that ladder and started to fight their way to the top. In those days they also went on recruiting and recruited some more Chikens like GuaRRand (GuaRRand_SP), Mecha (Attrition_AoK), Rambo, Gibbon (StonerD), Mega, Metal, Greek, Recce and others. Chikens were seen on the Top20 spots very often with Mecha, Infinity, DarkDAVE, Rambo and GuaRRand reaching top10 status a couple of times.

The most notable thing that happened in this period is undoubtedly the CHIKEN vs GURU WAR. This was/is the only recorded war in the history of Homeworld that has been successfully concluded. Meaning that it was fairly well organized and matches were played with honor and fair play.
Although some people may have different opinions, the Chikens won the war, although with the help from some allies (which both teams had) and by only a single game.

Another historic mark for the CC was the DarkDAVE postings that eventually got DarkDAVE written into the Homeworld version of the GAN story. (If anyone got a link to that chapter…I’d be obliged). Time passed and everybody was waiting for HW:Cataclysm.


When that finally arrived, a lot of Chikens moved there, but some stayed behind. Playing HW and keeping the Chiken presence strong in both games.

What’s in a CC ?

It was this period that Infinity decided that everybody should change their name from _CC to Chiken, This was to avoid misunderstandings because there were Chikens that used _CC as tag and there were those that used Chiken as tag. So, new names were born. Fingerfox became Avatar, DarkDAVE became Nuclear, Tailguner became Nemesis and GuaRRand became Clucker (to name a few)

Going Strong

In the HWC days the Chikens further grew with the recruitments of Lazy (Bubi69), Dark (DarkDEMON), Addict, DooMaz, Zepherian, Strato, Guerilla and others. Sadly HWC was not the game we all expected and there was no real ladder or competition, so some Chikens went back to HW, while others searched for new games, like Mechwarrior 4.

It was also in this period that our fearless leader InfinityChiken left us for a 3 month period to finish his studies and find a job. To date he hasn’t returned


In MW4 we found our second home. We started out with only 2-3 regular players like Lazy and Clucker, but soon, largely due to Lazy’s 1337 skillz with his Madcat, we got some people interested in Chikenhood. Soon after our MW4 début we recruited some good players like Dysed, PeekaBoo and Deepblue. Together with some assistance from HW Chikens like DooMaz, Recce, Nemesis, and Mecha we managed to climb to the top of the MW4 community and sprout ph34r in every team we played.

In between we had some more little skirmishes in both HW, and MW4.

The most notable of which was the War between the OMO’s and their allies (Chikens and some unaffiliated players) and some minor clans that somehow felt the need to flame the poor old sods. This war was a real laugh, if it hadn’t been for the FL, who thought to take it up for the underdogs and fight with them. It resulted in a great flame fest on both sides and with only OMO, FL and Chikens really trying to make this a good organized war. Well, it wasn’t and the war died as fast as it had started.


With the arrival of Neverwinter Nights, some of us found a new challenge. After the initial shock of moving from mostly SF games to a fantasy role-playing game we found a good home over at the DrunkenWarriors Persistent world of 5Realms.

With a steady play schedule of Chikens like Peeker, Possessed, Airborne, Martian, Morpheus and Clucker we kick some serious butt and quickly became veterans who tried to come up with new fighting styles, competitions and character building. Now, with the release of the official expansion pack of NWN, called Shadows of Undretine, we hope to get back to it and explore the world of NWN anew.

Fallen Fowl

Sadly, the History of the Chikens is not only games, fun and joking around. In the early days of 2003 we lost a friend, pall and all-round great gamer by the name of TexasChiken. He died at an early age from the results of Pneumonia. Leaving behind a loving family and of course this group of feathered friends, Texas will be remembered forever.

Homeworld 2

Then, Homeworld 2 arrived. After 4 years of eager anticipation, the Chikens could finally voice their BAWK on the HW2 servers again. With a strong presence on the HW2 servers, a lot of new recruits began to BAWK in and the Chiken coop steadily filled with dedicated players.

Although we had new recruits, we also had some Chikens leaving the coop, like an acting councilmember, AngelChiken, who decided to drop his Chiken outfit and wander through the resource patches alone and helping out the TLSC. But, once a Chiken, always a Chiken Mrgreen


So, now with HW2 battles raging, our presence in MW4 (Mercs) STILL going strong (top 5 ranked clan in various ladder leagues), recruiting still bringing in new Chikens and a good working Council of 5. The Chikens are still, and will always be, a strong force in the gaming community!.



Insuring galactic peace thru the use of extreme force


  • find the road
  • cross the road
  • get to the other side