BayerCo Industries Corporation / BCICORP

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Welcome to BayerCo Industries Corporation, enriching lives with our products since 1928. Feel free to browse our products, and please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities.

BayerCo Industries – We keep you alive, the galaxy safe, and the economy productive.

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BayerCo Industries Corporation, LLC., founded in 1928 by a man whose true identity is unknown, is a renowned intergalactic corporation serving the common man, machine and xeno in everything from manufacturing goods to healthcare to automotive and aerospace industries. Today, BCICORP has offices in over 160 systems around the galaxy, including UEE, Xi’An and neutral territories.

While our administrative power is mostly focused on the planet Earth (Terra), origin planet of humanity and companies like Roberts Space Industries, BCICORP is always finding opportunities to extend its reach to the stars, providing quality products wherever they’re needed most.

Forged during the cold, bleak years of the Great Depression centuries ago, BCI, then simply known as BayerCo Industries, was originally started as a joint venture between QuinnTek and the Bayer Manufacturing Company. During the fiery, dangerous years of World War II, BCI helped produce many of the weapons, medical supplies and infantry vehicles used on the frontlines of the European and Pacific theatres.

During the Cold War, BCI helped promote growth in the booming nuclear energy industry, providing many of the tools used in the manufacture of the majority of the U.S. and Soviet nuclear weapons stockpiles. In the early 1980s, the company began research into integrated circuit technology, eventually becoming the second-largest microprocessor manufacturer in the world.

As the 21st century came and went, so did Earth’s grasp on interstellar travel and colonization of other planets. Alongside this groundbreaking new era in human history, BCI provided much of the initial logistical assistance necessary for our home planet and its peoples to seed the stars around our solar system and others nearby, including rudimentary jump-drive technologies, then cutting-edge, as well as nanoconstruction technology necessary to provide a maximum of safety and versatility for Earth’s new fleet at a minimum of cost.

Over the next few hundred years, Earth had undergone severe overpopulation and a new global governing body, the United Nations of Earth, were formed. BCI underwent its own growing pains as well, as the old system of national divisions of the entire company would cease to work when applied to entire star systems. After a two-decade-long hiatus where most product development and services were halted (the company remained open for one-off business, however), BayerCo Industries emerged as the BayerCo Industries Corporation (also known as BCICORP or BCI Corp.), complete with a new brand image and internal management.

By the time 2523 came and went, the year the United Planets of Earth rose out of the ashes of the UNE, BCICORP began a large campaign to expand its markets alongside. We began establishing branch offices and facilities wherever we were wanted every couple of years, throughout the galaxy. Of course, competition was fierce for global representation of a single company back in those days, so we often had to improvise new strategies for continued growth.

Then Messer came into power.

A lot of things changed with that. The new United Empire of Earth became much more centralized, and alongside that new form of governance BCICORP had to change, too. There was a relatively brief period of internal mismanagement and struggle within the company between the years 2541 and 2552 where entire divisions and subsidiaries of the company and their respective facilities refused to cooperate with each other, each having their own ideas on how the company should operate in this new Imperial Era.

A large number of staff quit en-masse, sparking the first in several waves of labor disputes. President and CEO arbayer2 began implementing overly broad and controversial company mandates, including exclusive contracts with the UEE and allies, in order to try and control the damage by simplifying production but ultimately failed, losing the confidence of most of the employees and executives.

Many even thought the company, which had acquired several thousand smaller companies over the hundreds of years since its founding, would fracture and divest in order to quell the in-fighting.
If not for our investment in the First Tevarin War on both the battlefield and in the home cities and time-honored reputation for quality and service, this would undoubtedly have happened.

Another hiatus for the company occurred in 2586, when the company suspended all production and only provided maintenance and services while the executives and employees alike held months-long internal discussions on how to end the conflict and hostility in their work environment.

This period of restlessness eventually degraded the company to the point where it abandoned most outer territories’ facilities, shuttered entire subsidiaries which were making obsolete and unmarketable equipment and laid off much of the workforce. What was left of BCICORP was essentially the same company, albeit disorganized and jaded, which helped the now-ancient and defunct United Planets of Earth expand their borders so many centuries ago.

At one point the President and CEO, facing an ouster by the board of directors, temporarily resigned to serve in a more advisory role while other executive officers were brought in in order to help streamline things. It was decided, eventually, that the company was to become more politically-neutral in nature, only choosing to support certain GPOs (Governmental Political Organizations) when the company as a whole saw fit to expand into their market at the time. A new chain of command was designed, somewhat military in nature, to allow for accountability throughout the entire employee roster as well as foster communication and the sharing of new ideas.

The War ended up lasting over two hundred years. Near the end, BCICORP slowly reopened its factories and tentatively restarted production, albeit this time selling products to whomever was interested instead of simple and exclusive contracts with GPOs, other companies and organizations. We still offer contracts from time to time as interest picks up, however.

It took even longer after that for the company to become somewhat whole again, and even to this day, BCICORP’s internal structure is fairly loose, allowing for mistakes thought impossible a couple of centuries ago. It seems apparent that society makes more of an impact on companies, not the other way around. Our founding President and CEO, arbayer2, has also been returned to his former position after recognizing his ability to quickly expand and organize the company and its assets… most of the time, anyway.

We as a company are always actively trying to re-open old and abandoned facilities, update the production lines and start hiring again, but we couldn’t do it without the people who believed in us most. Over the past few years, BCICORP’s made tremendous progress in the long road to prosperity once more, and as a result the entire UEE, if not the galaxy, is the better for it.

We’re now clearing the path to the future, pioneering in high-technology fields such as repulsor-lift tech, modern jump drives, nano-technology, MobiGlas software, bionic augmentation and artificial intelligence as well as helping promote research into environmentally-friendly energy production such as cold fusion and solar power.

Nobody knows what the future will bring us, but rest assured, BCICORP will be there.

BayerCo Industries Corporation – We keep you alive, the galaxy safe, and the economy productive. ™


BayerCo Industries Corporation, LLC.

– Public Corporate Manifesto –


BayerCo Industries Corporation, LLC. is a for-profit intergalactic corporation. Its purpose is to design, finance and coordinate the manufacturing of consumer, military, pharmaceutical, industrial and other products for sale in the intergalactic market. As employees, we are focused primarily on the utilization of our expertise in producing, marketing, and distributing these products in a manner which ultimately benefits the galaxy at large. The kind of positive impact our products have on the galactic community depends on the product in question.


We do not discriminate based on gender, age, species, race, religious beliefs, skin color, physical appearance, sexual preference, social class, personal wealth, political beliefs, geopolitical location, personal opinion, veteran status, or other distinguishing personal characteristics.

BayerCo Industries Corporation does not simply view the galaxy as a set of resources, a customer or a volume of physical territory to exploit for profit. BCI Corp. is also dedicated to the usage of its resources for humanitarian, non-profit, defensive and/or peaceful purposes and/or purposes which ultimately suit the common good.


As our company originates from the planet Earth, territory currently under the jurisdiction of the United Empire of Earth (UEE), we willingly cooperate under law with UEE authorities and regulations regarding the manufacture, sale and shipping of our products. Inquire within for further details.

Despite our cooperation with the UEE, we do not consider ourselves politically affiliated with them or any other galactic political organization (GPO), and willingly trade with other GPOs as often as is provided under UEE law. BayerCo Industries Corporation is a politically neutral company.


BCI Corp. is interested and willing to cooperate both economically and otherwise with external companies/organizations at our discretion. We reserve the right to discuss and/or modify terms of any trade agreement in which BCI Corp., its products, assets and/or employees are involved and we reserve the right to cancel any agreement currently made, honored and/or under consideration with external companies/organizations with or without notice at any time. However, as an act of good faith, we consider all practical options available to us before discontinuation of any contracts occurs. Time is money, both yours and ours.

BayerCo Industries Corporation is always interested in public feedback, comments and questions. Feel free to contact us at any time.

© 2014-2947 BayerCo Industries Corporation, LLC. All rights reserved. No unauthorized distribution.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


    • Provide customer satisfaction at all costs.
    • Remain profitable after daily operating costs.
    • Employ a skilled, productive and efficient workforce.
    • Achieve the highest quality-to-cost ratio of materials used in the manufacture of our products.
    • Prove to our customers the value of our products through effective and honest marketing tactics.
    • Provide the best customer support experience possible if a sold product is found to be defective or damaged.
    • Create mutually-beneficial business partnerships with other companies.
    • Maintain our internal assets in as efficient a manner as possible.
    • This company and its faculty is divided into several sections, in order to improve efficiency of internal operations. The codenames below represent both the ranking order and the individual section identifier of each entity in the company’s internal staff list. This list begins at the highest ranking and ends at the lowest. This system of hierarchy is hereafter referred to as the RAINBOW System, inspired by the tabletop game Paranoia.
      • BLACK – President, CEO, Chairman
      • ULTRAVIOLET – Board of Directors
      • VIOLET – Department Administrators
      • BLUE – Product Division Supervisors
      • GREEN – Research and Development
      • YELLOW – Information Technology Faculty
      • ORANGE – General Staff
      • RED – Internal Security

*Internal layout of company still under heavy revision, subject to change at any time

  • To facilitate quick recognition of each employee of BCI Corp. as they travel throughout the ‘Verse on official business, a mandatory company callsign format has been implemented. The format is as follows:
    • {BCI:RAINBOWID} username
      ex. {BCI:RED} foobar