Blackwell Defense Group / BDG

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Resources
  • Exploration

Have a land dispute between gentlemen, minor disagreement in a bar, or a small invasion of a third world planet? Rely on Blackwell Defense to provide you with all your wants and needs, from small arms to slightly used ships.
We got your six!


Blackwell Defense Group was founded on the principle that no matter what the purpose is, it’s simply not our business. We pride ourselves in providing the best items for the job at the best price. The company is most focused in resource procurement and manufacturing but also have a small trade and exploration hub. Kent Blackstone started as a custom weapons smith on a boarder world and always dreamed of larger things. He sold his workshop, found the first transport to the core systems and started working for a junk yard. Five years later Mr. Blackstone procured a new shop and has been supplying weapons and ammo to mercenaries to small protection forces. He has procured several Retaliators and an Idris from the UEE. At this time Blackwell Defense Group has opened its doors to new personnel to help grow the company to new heights.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.