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Bedouin Flotilla / BEDOUIN

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Welcome to the local charter. Interested in becoming a prospect? You came to the right place. Talk to our sergeant-at-arms to see about joining up.


The origins of the Bedouin known as the Flotilla Company can be traced back to the early days of humanity’s expansion into the stars. The original founders of the clans were a group of pioneers who left UEE space in search of new opportunities and adventure.

As they journeyed through the vastness of space, the group encountered many challenges and hardships. They faced hostile aliens, treacherous asteroid fields, and the constant threat of pirate attacks and UEE interference. But through their determination and courage, the clans united.

Over time, the Starfarers developed a unique way of life that blended aspects of farming, trading, and warrior culture. They became adept at growing crops in the harsh conditions of pyro and learned to trade with other groups they encountered on their travels.

But perhaps most importantly, the Bedouin came to value honor above all else. They believed that the kins’ true worth lay not in the number of battles they won, but in how they conducted themselves in the face of adversity. To the Bedouin, honor meant keeping one’s word, treating others respectfully, and always fighting for what was right.

As the Bedouins continued to travel the stars, their reputation grew. Other groups began to seek them out for their unique goods and services, and many came to admire the Starfarers for their values and way of life.

Today, the Bedouin and their Kin is a respected and feared group in their sector of space.


The Bedouin Flotilla

We, the members of the Flotilla Company, declare this manifesto to govern our conduct and actions as warriors, farmers, and traders in the vastness of space.

Article I: Purpose

The purpose of the Flotilla Company is to protect and promote the values of honor, secrecy, and self-sufficiency. We exist to serve the interests of our fellow members and to protect ourselves from those who would seek to harm us.

Article II: Code of Conduct

We shall conduct ourselves with the utmost honor and integrity at all times. We shall keep our word, and honor our agreements, no matter the cost. We shall never engage in piracy against innocent civilians, and shall only use force when necessary or to defend ourselves or those under our protection.

We shall maintain the highest levels of secrecy, keeping our activities and locations hidden from all but the most trusted individuals. We shall only reveal our presence to those who share our values and have proven themselves worthy of our trust.

Article III: Leadership

Flotilla Company shall be led by a council of Kin, made up of the most respected and experienced members of the group. The council shall make decisions by consensus, with each member having an equal say in all matters.

Article IV: Self-Sufficiency

The Flotilla Company shall maintain a self-sufficient way of life, relying on the skills of our farmers and traders to provide for our needs. We shall only trade with those who share our values and have proven themselves trustworthy, and shall always seek to maintain our independence. We will take from those who have not proven trustworthy.

Article V: Training and Education

All members of the Flotilla Company shall receive training in the skills necessary for our way of life. We shall pass down our knowledge and traditions from generation to generation, ensuring that our way of life continues long into the future.

Article VI: Expansion

The Flotilla Company shall seek to expand our influence and protect our interests in the universe. We shall do so through diplomacy and alliances, but shall not hesitate to use force when necessary to protect ourselves or our way of life.



The Bedouin Flotilla; also known as the Flotilla Company created by the Independent Clans and Companies of the Pyro system is a recognized organization appointed by the Kith and Kin Elders are hereby appointed to abide by and act in the interests of their duties to:

IC Rules

1) Protect and expand all Company interests within the Pyro System and any other interests within operating Systems
2) Engage in no Criminal Enterprise within UEE space
3) All serving Kith Commanders have a vote in ship affairs
4) All serving Kith have the right to fresh provisions, arms, and home. Unless a scarcity makes it necessary for retrenchment.
5) Any Kith or Kin found to be stealing from the Company will be marooned with a pistol and supply of water. And shall be stricken from Company Records.
6) All Kith Recognise that the Company will take a Share in all operations in so far to maintain Company resources. With all subsequent shares being evenly split between all other parties.
7) Any Kith found to be abandoning their post will be punished with marooning or death.
8) All Kith are expected to maintain the secrecy of the Company.
9) Engage in any operation that may negatively impact the reputation, secrecy, or profitability of the Company; without prior command instructions.
10) Settle grudges or scores to any Organisation, Company, Criminal Element with extreme prejudice; that have harmed Company Profits and Kith therein, with prior command instructions.

OOC Rules

  1. Do not steal from your comrades, we’re all in this together.
  2. Treat Everyone in-game with respect; Have fun, but try not to be a dick about it (bar the IC elements)
  3. Information within the company, all operations, and plans are secret to outsiders. These things should never be communicated.
  4. Respect all members, give everyone a chance and help each other in-game. SC is a deep game with a steep learning curve.
  5. Racism, Bigotry, and Homophobia will not be tolerated. Everyone is different respect that.
  6. You are all ambassadors of the clan, always act with the Bedouin spirit.