Beyond Terra Corp. / BEYONDTER

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Security

Convoy and teamwork based. Using discord to explore and carry out PMC work with coordination and effectiveness out ruling any opposition with the right number of people and their capability to fight. Please contact upon joining for assignment and we hope to see you in the verse. PER ARDUA AD ASTRA!


Beyond Terra Corp was founded in 2889 with the CEO James Andrew Sol. His family had contributed to the UEE for centuries and they still did not disturb him even after he settled in Horus. The military left his family and let them stay in the system in the twilight zone on Horus’ innermost planet. With the Xi’an allowed back into the system after the cold war finally ended he decided to flee the system with a few other well known friends undetected by UEE radar and started a new life in another system. Nobody knew where he went but word is that he started trading with Arc Corp very regularly and other merchants across the empire. Beyond Terra Corp was recognized fully towards 2900 when a massive haul was made by a corporation that seemed to come from nowhere it was later recognized as the Beyond Terra Haul and it brought a poverty ravaged planet enough food for 2 of its capital cities for the new century as donated by a mysterious captain of a Constellation Phoenix. After that Beyond Terra Corp has been well known across the empire for its high level off success and profit. The banner is the famous image of the Great Terran Haul. Unfortunately he never returned even after his lifes success but with the newfound wealth of Beyond Terra Corp and a new CEO we have decided to reach the stars and go beyond terra firma to explore the final frontier. But then again thats all RP (learn more in manifesto)


*Occasionally kick ass
*And have fun

*The Vanduul are cunts
*No tolerance to racism/discrimination unless it is a tasteful joke

*Will be used in radio (discord/teamspeak) chatter
*Occasionally used just because we can
*Not hardcore (there is still a mouse and keyboard ffs)


Basic flexible rules except for 1
2. Often online (almost every day)
3. Teamwork is key
4. Plan
5. No being triggered by PC things

Pretty basic