Bifrost Co. / BFRST

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Transport

Bifrost Co. Transportation & Industry
Moving People, Improving Life

Discord Server


Bifrost Co. started as a simple mining operation collecting basic ores, growing over the years into fully crewed multi-operational expeditions in multiple industries. Initially branching out into hauling as a vertical integration of materials refined from mining jobs, eventually the operation grew into including salvaging and commercial transportation as the needs of our multiple branches expanded.

As of 2952 Bifrost Industry & Transportation Co. includes small and large scale mining operations, transportation of goods, livestock, and passengers, salvage and repair industries, and security outfits providing law enforcement assistance to the Civilian Defense Force.

As the future comes Bifrost Co. is always looking for new and profitable outreaches into new horizons of industry.

If you would like to join up, please find us on discord here!
Discord Server


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


We are a US based, English Speaking Organization. We play mostly Weeknights UTC -6 timezone 20:00ish to midnight-ish, and sporadically on the weekends.