Big Dave's Escort Service / BIGDAVES

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Transport

“Big Dave’s: Giving pirates the shaft since 2911”
“Big Dave’s: In and out, no mess!”
“Big Dave’s: We keep the universe’s scum away from your hull!”
“Big Dave’s: For when you need help moving your junk around.”
“Big Dave’s: As long as you keep paying, we’ll continue to keep you company in the dark.”


Big Dave’s Escort Service was founded in 2911 when Big Dave decided there wasn’t a strong enough focus on escorting vulnerable merchant convoys through dangerous sections of space. Though the company started small, it’s just continued to grow since then, expanding its operations throughout known human space, and making forays into Xi’an and Banu space as well. Big Dave is always looking for new talent to help with the ever increasing volume they handle, so apply in person today at his personal ship, the Big Bertha (which was absolutely not named for his ex-wife, no matter what her lawyers may claim).


The goals of Big Dave’s Escort Service are simple: get the cargo to its destination with as little fuss as possible. There are a number of different areas within the organization to meet the varying needs of different customers. These include:

Direct cover


Big Dave’s Escort Service is a very laid-back organization, as Big Dave has a rather Old Western Earth approach to life. The rules are fairly simple, and consist of do right by the customer and your coworkers. The definition of “right by” is up to interpretation, but the organization as a whole weighs in on potential miscarriages of justice by any employees. Those who flagrantly disobey the rules will be subject to immediate termination, which may include a literal interpretation of that in extreme, and extremely rare, circumstances.