Bums in Space / BIS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Transport

Welcome to our back alley.

Feel free to warm yourself by our fire and chase away any vermin. Will work for food. Use hand sanitizer on leaving the premises.


After the impending Alliance defeat in the late 29th century, a group of pilots banded together in the Sirius sector. Covering most of Liberty, Bretonia and Rheinland space our main goal was patrolling the(sometimes less-) civilised systems in search of smugglers, pirates or other criminals.

Following the discovery of the wormhole to New Eden the organization eventually left Sirius and settled in the Gallente homeworld in pursuit of new hopes and dreams. With age comes knowledge, and at some point that knowledge was that a younger generation of pilots had stepped up, leaving us with the realization that we were now more like old decrepit space veterans as opposed to the young law enforcers we used to be. This is where we first started calling ourselves Space Bums.

Now, more than a decade later, we have a newfound resolve to once again take control of our ships and take to the skies. We shall once again try and leave a humble mark on history. The bums are back in space!


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With their decrepit image, BiS pilots seem like the bums they claim to be. Discount hangars, third-hand junker ships, their UEE bank solvency being next to non-existent, you wouldn’t recognise a BiS pilot from the next beggar you find in the back alleys of every space port trying to string together the days going from one meager job to the next.

The thing is, this is just a front.

Sure we have ratty old Aurora’s in Discount Hangars.
Yes, our main office is located in the alley behind Voyager Direct in New Austin, Terra.
And yea, we’re definately on the wrong side of 30.

But we park our old Aurora in there because it would stain the floor in our Business Hangar where we keep our 300i’s and Freelancer.

And who needs a flash HQ in downtown Terra Prime? We keep overhead to a minimum. No fancy offices mean you pay us for services rendered, you don’t pay for our office rent. And why travel to a fixed location in order to reach us? A MobiGlass will do just fine.

We’re definately not kids anymore. We’ve been around the block a few times more than some hotshot hipster with a taste for money and adventure. We know it’s not an adventure. It’s survival. Of the fittest. And we may not look fit anymore, but we’re still around, right? We’re not claiming we know the secret but we sure now what it takes to make it, not break it, in space.


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Please check back soon! Donations welcome. Bums like us can’t afford people who write stuff like this.

  1. Don’t suck.
  2. Don’t be an ass.
  3. Whatever you do, be nice about it.