• Organization
  • Regular
  • Engineering
  • Security

Despite combat being the main attraction of the game as of now, we plan to offer repairs and resources wherever needed, along with the occasional patrol.

Welcome, and enjoy your stay!



“Page Under Construction. Please check back soon!”
-well, that certainly took a while


BKB was founded in early 2016, as a derivative of a Planetside 2 outfit bearing the same name. A banner for a couple of idiots to unite under. With only ArenaCommander to play, there wasn’t a whole lot you could do else.

Then Alpha 2.0 rolled around in 2016, brought with it the first iteration of the PU with Port Olisar and Crusader.

What did we do? Nothing. Nichts. Nada. For a couple years it has been awfully quiet around here…

Fast forward to today and we’ve been continuously building up our fleets and concepts, with more and more new features coming online it is starting to look like we can soon begin to actually do what we came here to do.

Slowly but surely growing in members, this is shaping up to be one hell of a ride.



Sorry, couldn’t resist.

This is a moderate Organization. Not too keen on Roleplaying, we see the game as what it is in it’s current state, not what it could eventually become.

However if those highly anticipated days of expanded gameplay options ever come, we plan to establish forward operating bases and mobile outposts to supply ships in remote and contested areas.

Of course this would also include military patrols to keep the sector safe.

For the moment we’re mainly focusing on PvE Bounty Hunting with the odd bit of mining and salvaging when possible, since the mechanics we are hoping and waiting for, certainly aren’t there yet.

If you like the idea, feel free to join up!


BKB stands for efficiency, coordination and precision.

Any customer, law abiding or walking the edge, will be serviced, provided they’re willing to pay.

This is the price of business.

We shall provide aid to those who can afford it.

We shall stand our ground

We shall worship Anvil and Aegis

We shall fight those who wrong us to the very end. May they rot with the Vanduul.