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Black Goats / BLACKGOATS

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Welcome to our official Spectrum channel. Feel free to browse, and please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities.


Who is that man that just helped my cat out of that space-tree?
Who are those people that always got each other’s backs?
Who is this brother-from-another-space-mother?



Back in [insert year] a select group of traders found themselves in dire need of assistance.
What ensued then, forged a bond of steel so strong it would make Anvil blush.

Grateful for a timely save, this group of traders decided to regularly “scratch each other’s backs” free of charge.
Eventually this philosophy spread and individuals of other professions and abilities joined in this endeavour.
Eventually, it was decided that this group of otherwise unaffiliated individuals needed something more permanent to display their allegiance to each other and the Black Goats was formed.

Current day

Originally named after those who were shunned and unwelcome because of their “mediocre” skill or commitment , it didn’t take long for individuals of great skill and ability to also join in the fray.
Due to this, Black Goats has long since earned it’s name and no longer holds it’s dubious infamy of the early days.
It is now a fully able group, with people of all levels of skill, ability, knowledge and social circles.
The bonds that hold the Black Goats together are long since forged by personality rather than skill or wealth, but this does not exclude either from the ranks of the Goats.

The Goats will most likely have what you seek and won’t shun a good “back scratching”!


The Black Goats are a merry band of mates.
We just roll (or fly) along, minding our own interests and support each other whenever the need arises.

So why are we even together in the Goats, you ask?

United they stand! (intentions)

Basically, we’re just together because we’re friends.
Our intentions are to enjoy all the universe has to offer at it’s fullest and do it together!
Want to go about being a dealer of luxury goods?
Maybe you prefer to get those VIPs at their destination in style?
Are you the kind that likes to get his hands dirty, mining the best that asteroids have to offer?
It matters not!
We help each other, we support each other and we complete each other by combining mixed interests.

However…we do condone a select number of “careers”… After all, Bounty Hunters just bring the hurt to those who do the hurtin’ and smuggling is just another word for “secretly trading exclusive goods”. Still, we do not condone or support in any way:
  • Slavery
  • Piracy
  • Wanton acts of violence and/or killing
  • Theft

We have no problems with you selling…unsavoury goods though.
After all, business is business, right?

What is the meaning of it all?! (motives)

As mentioned before, we mainly band together so we can aid each other and complete each other with our separate interests.
Need someone to help you install that new audio installation in your 300i?
We might have someone who can cut you a deal!
Gotta deliver some goods to the less savoury systems?
There’s bound to be some escorts around that’ll do you a Goat-worthy price!
Just got your ship blown up by those meddling pirates (and that dog!) again?!
The Goats shall bring their wrath upon them!

We do what we do because we like doing it and we like doing it together.
In other words; we offer an intergalactic band of mates that won’t let you down and that will have you enjoy your time in “the verse”!

To smuggle, or not to smuggle (views)

We believe the galaxy is our oyster and everyone should be able to reap it’s rewards.
This is why we strive to aid others and of course even more so for fellow Goats.
That is why we cannot approve slavery or unprovoked violence.

Mind though that this does not mean Black Goats don’t have a bite to them.
We WILL assist in anti-piracy campaigns, we WILL NOT hesitate to defend ourselves and we WILL bring upon thee, the wrath of the Goat should you do us harm.

Smuggling is a bit of a grey zone though, since nobody really gets hurt, now do they? ;)

In short, everyone should have a fighting chance and could use a few Goats to get their backs.
It just rocks to be a Goat!


Fair use behavior policy

We’re not too strict about our rules so long as everyone just behaves and treats eachother with respect.
Basically, we don’t want you to discredit the Black Goat name by griefing, ganking, stealing, slavery, or act like a condescending ass in any way.
It’s pretty self-explanatory actually!

Though if you manage to squeeze in a few extre credits by selling some less-than-legal-goods…well that doesn’t really harm anyone, does it now? ;)

There is no “I” in team!

We do not expect you to exclusively hang out with other members, in fact, we encourage you to mingle!
However, we do expect you to come to eachother’s aid when needed, have membership discounts (or freebees even!) and basically, just be mates to eachother.