Black Sails / BLASA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

We fly in, where others fly out…


In 2950 (might change due to releasedate) a wing of elite pilots were assigned to a covert ops mission behind enemy lines. Their designation “Squadron 69”, codename “Black Sails”.
Their main goal was to interrupt enemy trading and supply route towards contested system.

But during a cease fire, their were abandoned and left to die by the UEE. Their existence denied by the UEE navy, and declared a rogue squadron.

The Black Sails had to pillage and plunder enemy bases, settlements and tradelines to keep their bellies fed, and their ships fuelled. After several months of fighting and looting only a few of them made it out of the enemy territory finding a place to live outside UEE controlled space.

The first tried to reenlist them into the navy, but when they refused mercenaries and bountyhunters were send after them to bring them to justice “dead or alive”. None of the outsiders made it back to UEE space.

Black Sails declared themselves a neutral organisation, not supporting nor answering to the UEE. UEE defined them as rebels, declaring their stories a lie in order to undermine UEE authority.

Black Sails leader Daniel James Royle responds to this

“Call us rebels, rogues, even pirates! We don’t care. We will fight to the last breath to defend humanity, but we will do it our way. We will do what is needed to keep our people alive and our engines running! We will do what is needed to remain free of both spirit and body!

We will fly in, where others fly out! “

In time like minded pilots would join their cause. Not just combat pilots, but also space truckers who lost their big ships cause they couldn’t pay the taxes. Miners whose rich mining fields were confiscated by big companies. Explorers whose exploration data was declared of military importance, but never got paid for this.

All were welcome to join the Black Sails and formed a live and breathing community in the bordersystems…


Our rules are very simple…. Have fun in your own gameplay, and allow your fellow Sails to have fun in their own gameplay…

Accept that not everyone has the same playtime and skills as you do.
And for the love of God… this is just a game!

We are an R rated group as strong langauge and naughty humor is what we do even better then playing a game..


Black Sails is multigame organisation currently expanding into Star Citizen.
We are also present in Vega Conflict [BlaSa] and Elite Dangerous [Black Sails sq.69] and numerous mobile games.

As we are brand new in Star Citizen we are always looking for motivated players to help build it with us.

Want to know more?

Join our Black Sails community page on facebook

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