The Brotherhood Of The Black Star / BLAST

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In 2943, a Naval intelligence officer grew frustrated with military bureaucracy and the stagnation of life in the core, and mustered out of the service. With little more than an old ship and the desire to live a free life of adventure, he moved to the fringes of imperial space to take what work he could find. Over the years he’s built a reputation throughout the ‘verse for reliability, gathering others of like mind along the way, and earning their loyalty. Today, this group is known as…

The Brotherhood Of The Black Star

Years later, BLAST has grown into a freelance mercenary company with reach far beyond the Stanton system. They have become famous for successful operations against Vanduul forces all along the frontier.


Who are we?

The Brotherhood is a PMC operating out of Microtech in the Stanton system, but conducting operations throughout multiple star systems.

What do we do?

We take part in many aspects of game play, but specialize in aspects which relate to covert and overt military operations.

Who are we looking for?

Pilots, soldiers, medics, vehicle crew, support specialists, and operators. There’s a place here for just about anyone, regardless of specialty, provided they want to be part of this community.

What do we offer?

  1. The camaraderie, loyalty, and respect of a small, tight-knit crew. BLAST transcends the banality of membership in your typical organization.
  2. The opportunity to work aboard a variety of ships and outposts, performing a variety of jobs. Here, you will never have to do the same thing day in and day out.
  3. Merit based leadership opportunities. Any member of our crew will be able to prove themselves capable of leading, given enough time and opportunity. You don’t need to be an officer to run an operation.
  4. Consequently, rank entails responsibility. The role of senior crew is to make sure everyone is in the best position to succeed, not to uselessly lord over others.
  5. On the job training/cross training.
  6. Open door policy outside of operational windows.


  1. It’s a game, have fun!
  2. Keep the peace within BLAST. We’re all on the same team.
  3. Maintain faction alliances.