Blazing Suns / BLAZINGSUN

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

The Blazing Suns are a conglomeration of fighter pilots, traders, explorers, workers, and all other professions. We do not limit our members to any one role unless needed for balance. Teamspeak channel:


NEWS We have signed a mutual assistance agreement with the Vesuvian Fleet and they have been kind enough to include us in their teamspeak channel and allow us to use it. channel:


Blazing Suns is a coalition of traders, fighter pilots, miners, and whatever other professions wish to be a part of us. We have been around since the first Retaliators launched into space, into the blinding rays of our solar system’s sun. This is why we are called what we are, in honor of those brave pilots. Though now we take any and all pilots who we believe are the right fit for us, and it has been this way for years.


The Blazing Suns are a mix of any and all classes (and potentially races) In our solar system. We are open to communication and applications for joining. We tend to give all members a chance to be with us for a time before we make any judgements of them. Any member is free to do as they please, be it playing on their own or forming a squadron with other members of our Fleet. However, should the head of the organization state there is to be a scheduled meeting, any and all members are expected to attend or give a reason for their absence.

Our motives are to simply be a force in the galaxy to be respected. We want to make a name for ourselves, but not through simply violence. We are a bit of a military organization as we will take security/escort missions from traders, but we will also have our own expeditionary forces to explore the reaches of the galaxy. Beyond that, you are free to do as you please within the organization.

The Suns are not ones to rush to judgement. We would rather be in a neutral status with all of the other organizations out there, but we will fight and participate in wars if our allies are attacked. Loyalty is a major factor of the Suns, and as such each applicant is required to understand this.



1 -


Treat other pilots in our organization with respect, and they will respect you as well. If this is not the case, please inform one of the upper-division leaders (4-5 star status). Rank does not negate this rule. A rank 4 cannot talk down to a rank 2, for instance. If the leader is thought to be guilty of this, a vote shall be taken between the lower leaders as to what the punishment will be.

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If members of the Organization participate in a job for the organization together, they are expected to split the profits equally if they are not already done. Embezzlement will not be tolerated when managing organization funds. Those funds are for the organization to grow and improve it’s equipment. So by taking from those funds, you are hurting the Organization.

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If you apply for a specific role within the organization, such as a miner, a trader, or a combat pilot, you must make that clear to your superiors so we may categorize you accordingly. Should you wish you change this role, you can, but just be sure to let us know so we don’t contact the wrong people for missions.
