Blackstone and Sons Shipping Co. / BLCKSTN

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Trading

Welcome to Blackstone and Sons. Shipping at 20% of light speed!


In the 2910s, the young entrepreneur Ebenezer P. Blackstone had a vision.

Unfortunately, it is not known anymore what that vision was. It is known however that in the early 2920s, Blackstone moved out of his mother’s apartment in London, Earth, and bought a small cargo freighter to get a foot into the hauling business.
For reasons also unknown, he named the one-man-company not only after himself but after his sons, which was confusing as he did not have any children or even a girlfriend.
Still, Blackstone did earn enough money to expand his company and hire additional employees. Working closely together with the United Earth Empire’s Advocacy, he quickly earned a reputation around earth as the man that would sell his own grandmother to get acknowledged by the Government. It would have delighted him to hear that after his death the company was confiscated and his assets frozen by the UEE to pay the debts he acquired while alive.

A few decades later, the remnants of Blackstone’s first freighter were found in an old station in the orbit around Croshaw and the company was promptly refounded by a distant relative, James Blackstone Sr.


Are you interested in a job at Blackstone and Sons?
Do you want something moved and do you have the credits?
Do you want to transfer information to the Advocacy but don’t want anyone to know about it?

Then Blackstone and Sons is the right company for You! Contact us via James Blackstone or visit our HQ on Mars (that’s Sol IV if you aren’t from here!)


Blackstone and Sons names it’s fleet after chess terms. Caïssa is not only the goddess of Chess but also the name of BS&S’ flagship.