Black Dolphin / BLKDOLPHIN

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Welcome to Black Dolphin Paramilitary Corporation. Named after ancient Russia’s most ruthless prison, we pride ourselves on modeling our organization after that facility.

The three tenets held by our organization are: loyalty, persistence, and discretion.


The Black Dolphin Paramilitary Organization shares its ideals with that of the similarly named ultra-maximum security prison in ancient Russia. A tough prison built to house the worst of humanity. Just how the prison deals with the lowliest of criminals, we will deal with similar people.

The Black Dolphin Paramilitary Corporation makes up for its relative infancy and size with sheer determination and blind enthusiasm. We may be a relatively young and small organization, but Black Dolphin strives to be the best.


Black Dolphin follows three main tenets:

The first being Loyalty; absolute loyalty to the client for the duration of the contract. This organization is in your pocket, and your pocket alone.

The second being Persistence; any mission we accept, we will see through to the end. We were paid to complete the mission, and that is exactly what we will do.

The third, and perhaps most important tenet is Discretion. No matter the objective, our actions will never lead back to the employer. Let us take the blame for any action we do. The fault is ours and ours alone.


Black Dolphin is a flexible and compromising organization. Within our ranks however we do have a code of conduct which we expect all active employees to behave. Failure to follow these rules could make an employee or potential employee subject to “termination”.

Respect the cooperation:
Our cooperation thrives on word of mouth, loyalty, and quality employees. You are the lifeblood of Black Dolphin and its face. As such, no employee shall verbally disrespect, speak against, intentionally undermine, or slander, Black Dolphin Paramilitaries, Black Dolphin’s employees, or Black Dolphin’s clients.

Respect you fellow pilots:
You and your fellow employees rely on a certain level of trust and integrity with one another in order to function as a unit. Inciting or causing verbal or physical abuse to another player with the intent of malice will not be tolerated within our company. Pilots are expected to display at least a rudimentary courtesy when interacting with each other.

Respect the customer:
Our customers are our driving force and what sustains us; disrespecting, or violating the wishes of a customer (including intentionally violating mission parameters or divulging secrets) will not be tolerated. We rely on word of mouth and positive reviews to function, without this we as a cooperation will fail.

Keep the cooperation’s name clean:
As stated before, we rely on word of mouth, if this word of mouth is negative we will fail. While we understand that due to the nature of our business, “unsavory characters” may slip through the cracks of our otherwise rigorous recruiting process. We ask that such individuals who are performing illegal activities, even if they are completely condoned by Black Dolphin, to not utilize the cooperation’s name, emblem or other denotative markings, while performing any such activities.